Nobody greater than Jesus.
Thank you Jesus for what you have done for us.
Thank you that you paid the price for us.
Thank you that you know us to the very core of our lives.
Thank you that by our faith and trust in you that we have been forgiven and by faith reconciled to our Father in heaven.
I have no idea why you would save a wretch like me.
I have no idea why you still love me when I mess up.
I have no idea why you seek me out when I go astray.
I really have no idea or an understanding of the AGAPE love for me.
Not sure I will ever get it but I suppose I have to trust in it.
Because it's true.
You yourself said it.
My Father in heaven loves me as much as he loves you.
May they settle in my heart so that your perfect love will cast out all fear I have in my heart.
Jesus I also pray that if anyone above resonates with the above then we all know the true depth of your love us.
Jesus you are greater than it.
Love and mercy found us, oh the blood of Jesus is greater than it all.
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