It would appear that you have a very superficial understanding of Dispensationalism. Kindly take some time to study it properly, and you will find that it is THE BEST way to understand Bible prophecy. No allegorizing, spiritualizing , or fantasizing.
If you have never read anything by Lewis Sperry Chafer, John F. Walvoord, Charles C. Ryrie, etc. then you owe it to yourself (and this is for all who criticize Dispensationalism without getting a handle on it).
If you have never read anything by Lewis Sperry Chafer, John F. Walvoord, Charles C. Ryrie, etc. then you owe it to yourself (and this is for all who criticize Dispensationalism without getting a handle on it).
So I would like to ask you Nehemiah: DO you believe that Matthew,Mark and Luke are for the christian today. I am asking because some have said (Bryan Denlinger, Gene Kim, to name a few [they are dispies]) that what is for the church is only the epistles of Paul, and that worries me greatly if the words of Jesus are swept under the rug so to speak.
Because of the fact that AFTER His resurrection(new covenant in effect) Jesus said Go and teach ALL NATIONS to keep what I have commanded you (past tense, what He taught in His earthly ministry).
Here is an example of a dispensationalist who denies much the gospels are for christians today, right from this forum; THIS is what worries me:
You will not find one Christian in the four gospels. Most of it is doctrinally written to the nation of Israel. Some of what Jesus taught is prophetic to the church.
The sermon on the mount, for example, is doctrinal to the Jews during the reign of Christ on earth. The gospel as we know it was not believed on until after the resurrection. The Lord would reveal the entirety of the gospel to Paul.
The sermon on the mount, for example, is doctrinal to the Jews during the reign of Christ on earth. The gospel as we know it was not believed on until after the resurrection. The Lord would reveal the entirety of the gospel to Paul.
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