Paradox or Just Gibberish?
This isn't really a paradox, this is just opening your mouth and letting a logical contradiction come out.
We can combine words in ways which create gibberish things that can only exist as words, but which cannot exist in the physical world.
It's like saying, "square circle."
A square circle isn't a paradox, it's just nonsensical gibberish.
We can put words together in ways so they contradict each other, and when we do so, we've described a "non thing" which does not exist in the physical world.
BTW, when discussing these "self contradictory non-things", not only do they NOT exist, but they also CANNOT exist... there is no circumstance in which they CAN exist. This is really what "logically impossible" means.
Clever Atheist:
Sometimes a clever atheist will say, "If God can do anything, can he make a square circle?"
When I hear this I say, "A square circle is not a thing, it's just two contradictory words stuck together to make gibberish. I can prove it's gibberish; the day you can draw one, I'm sure God can produce one. Heck, if you can draw one, I can probably produce it myself."
(There are other answers to this particular atheist question, but they get way off the current topic.)
Abstract Ideas and Non-Things:
A non-thing, like a square circle, (or an immovable object paradox) FAILS to exist in MORE places than just the physical world.
A non-thing also fails to exist in the realms of logic, philosophy, or any area of theoretical thought, as it ceases to have any potential existence at the very moment it contradicts itself.
So, not only does a non-thing fail to exist in the physical world, it also fails to exist in the world of thought... as there is NOT ACTUALLY A THING about which to think! And this is why many fields of science have people who specialize in the PHILOSOPHY of that branch of science... to help sort out these non-things.)
1. A statement that contradicts itself isn't a paradox... it's just gibberish.
2. A self contradictory statement only constitutes a "non thing."
3. It's good to keep an eye out for "non things", because atheists use them in arguments against God.