I really think the original poster didn't have much idea about pentecostal things or the difference between this violence of the Spirit and Benny Hinn.
It is claimed that violence of the Holy Spirit is new but if you read the old testament you will find God can be violent at times.
There are many other things that could be questioned in these movements such as diamonds, gold dust, liposuction angels (yes there are angels that literally suck the fat out of people so they get skinny). Even many pentecostals stumble over this. Benny Hinn is into none of that as far as I'm aware. Some might say these miracles are of the devil but why would the devil make someone skinny, wouldn't the devil want to make someone extremely obese so that they have health problems and die?
You can't really judge by looking at the miracle itself.
I've been to Hinn's crusades and really there's nothing obviously wrong with the man's preaching or teaching, except perhaps his singing can be off key. A lot of the criticisms of Hinn on the internet are old, like from the 90's etc. Maybe Hinn has got more on the straight and narrow in recent years, but if you listen to Hinn's preaching it's straight down the line Gospel message repent of your sins and believe.
Before anyone criticise Hinn I suggest you go to one of his crusades and then form your opinion. You will have a great time. What you see on TV or internet is not the whole story. The only real criticism of Hinn I have is that he tends to focus on old testament law perhaps a bit too much when I personally believe in a clearer separation between the old and the new. But he does teach a deep reverence, awe and fear of God, particularly in his teachings on the Holy Spirit about not grieving, vexing or offending the Spirit.
Unfortunately there are those who criticise miracles saying they are of the devil, and that is saying the work of the Spirit is satan. That is blasphemy of the Spirit and very dangerous.