Actually, relativity does connect everything as proposed by Einstein. And we of course, have the simpler answer to it than E=m(2). In scientific thought process, from the original neutron of energy to the Bang, to planet forming around the sun (Sol), to the laws of physics and eventual evolution down to our present day, everything is connected and defined as energy.
Technically, without the assumption of energy, the Bang, gravity forming each galaxy, to life on earth...all things relate. This is absolutely true. How so? Look at God's creation. We do not have the exact specifics how God brought the earth into existence, since Genesis 1:2 has the Spirit of God hovering over an earth covered in water. So before the days of creation ever began, the earth seemingly was already here. But from the moment the days of creation began, we see from animals, grass, plants, trees, even humans are made and connected to the soil of the earth. So by the earth's soil alone, we and all living things are relative to it.
So I propose that Einstein was never wrong, he only was wrong because he connected relativity through how science defines life, not how God defined it. But if we took Einstein's formula and applied to how God used the earth's soil to create living beings, it would be absolutely 100% correct.