I understand your point Sis. However, I apologized for my choice of the word hate. I think that I could have made the exact same point without saying or implying I "know" , with 100% certainty, what is in the hearts of others.
So, a news report about a matter of fact. The 41st president is dead. Terribly sad. Deepest condolences. God have mercy, peace, lend his comfort to those who grieve as family and friends and as a nation. But no, that's not what comes to speak here. Something sinister creeps in and assails a dead man's former life, character, faith, and eternal destiny. I've lived a long time and I'll tell you, when I and others here felt compassion and sorrow, even if we didn't agree with his politics, that's the heart that speaks to the loss of a man those who knew him mourn today.
When what speaks of that stranger is wicked and insists on dumping on him more accusations, gossip, slander, defamation of his character and his faith, that is the heart of the person speaking those words that first come to mind in a thread the subject line of which informs them of its content. George Bush Senior died at the age of 94.
They could have chosen not to speak those vicious wicked attacks. But they did. And they defend them. And they even cry outrage when hateful remarks are called hateful. Because it is. A man is dead. LOVE , COMPASSION, does not call him names based on, as the creator of this thread admitted, are unsubstantiated . Are not 100% proven. Love, compassion, has never entered in from those who "spoke" those offenses repeatedly here. Not even when they were called out for it.
When someone tells you who they are believe them.
When someone tells you what they have inside when the first things that come out of their "mouth" is vicious gossip, slander, and defaming rumors directed toward the memory of a dead man, believe them. Even when they're not assaulting a dead man in a news thread. But elsewhere as they speak to Christians.
Jesus knew what he was talking about. Jesus testifies, “For out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks” (Matthew 12:34)
That is far too long a reply for a thread I said I was done with. I simply want to get the point across that we do know the hearts of those who choose to enter in and deposit darkness and falsehoods in a memorial thread reporting of the death of a former president.
We know.
Especially when they defend themselves as being right in showing that here.
Imagine them at a funeral and saying what's posted throughout this thread aloud. Would we excuse we don't know their hearts when they're openly speaking whats in it then?
Because really, Net wise, in this thread, that's exactly what they're doing. Showing us how they behave when people gather together to discuss the passing of a Christian man.
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