No, you're brainwashed alright. Typical leftist, want what others have instead of working to get it yourself. Whine and moan because others do well and don't give you a hand out. That's pusillanimous but then again I'm what you'd call toxic masculinity. Yes, socialists can shove it.
From what I've seen from you on the forums you are toxic, I'd hardly call it masculine though.
I've worked all my life - highly skilled, always had high paying jobs, even ran one on my businesses with two well paid employees with medical/dental plans
while working full time at an industrial site - would come home in the evening and put an hour or two in the business.
I put myself through the BC Provincial Instructors Diploma program and then spent two years instructing at a local technical college teaching others how to earn a living doing productive work, not shuffling paper and money around and hiding booty in tax havens.
I really don't quality for the stereo type you right wingers try to pull off (and very few people do) when challenged about your fawlty assumptions and right wing batism.
But it's good that the real you comes out for all to see rather than us just wondering
Oh - this will kill you lot - I was treasurer of the local Union for 3 years while working at that
industrial site and running my own bizniss