Does not work.
Play it out.
The produgal was ALREADY restored to full family inheritance BEFORE he departed.
It seems to me that the Prodigal had spent his PORTION of the family inheritance. Remember? The Father gave it to him and he spent it on riotous living?
You have to assume a Jew Returning to the law was the ultimate family restoration.
Who said anything about returning to the Law? I thought the Publicans and sinners, whom the Prodigal represents were COMING TO JESUS. Yes, that is correct. The Prodigal was returning to His Father, who represents God. The Law is not God, so the Prodigal was not returning to the law, he was returning to Jesus
No one was ever saved by the Law. Salvation has ALWAYS been through faith. From Abel to the last christian who will ever live.
You have to assume the father of the produgal thought, erroneously, that a jew restored to Judaism is fully restored with no need to be born again ( a new creation with a new father).
Wow, way to miss the entire point of the parable. The parable is not about anything except a sinner being restored to God, and the fact that often religious people miss the point about grace. The Prodigal was a sinner, was he not? And he was restored to God, was he not? And how was he restored? By coming to Jesus. The Elder missed the point, did he not? The elder failed to rejoice when his brother came home, did he not? The Father entreated him to have a change of heart, did he not?
The point was, the Publicans and sinners came to Jesus and having been lost, they had been found. Nothing to do with returning to the Law. The Prodigal in the parable did not come to a law, they came to the Father. The Publicans and sinners, like the Prodigal, came to the Father through faith in Jesus.
The produgal situation ONLY FITS a christian template.
Faith in Jesus does fit the Christian template PERFECTLY.
Your starting place is broken,because the Jews,all of them,needed rebirth.
Rebirth through faith in Jesus. Did the Publicans and sinners always have faith in Jesus?
Jesus told the leaders "you are of your father the devil"
Because of their unbelief and the works that issued from their unbelief. If they had believed, they would have been saved just like the Publicans and sinners. Did you notice that in the Parable of the Prodigal Son, when the Father went out and entreated the Elder, that his response is never given? It is deliberately left open ended.
So they were not of the heavenly father.
Were the Publicans and sinners "of the heavenly father" before they came to Jesus?
The produgal was born into the Father.
When did this happen?
The SAME father he went back to.
When believed on Jesus and they went to Jesus, they were returning to the Father, correct?
You forget,it wad Jesus that preached "ye must be born again"
Yes, those who are born again are those who come to Jesus.
That right there showed he understood those born again have a different Father. Weather Jew or Greek.
By your logic, a person who is born again can be lost and be found again
and die and live again and be found again. Is that what you are arguing for? After all, the Father described the Prodigal as lost and dead. Are born again people lost and dead?
You paint yourself in corner after corner under that concept of the rest of the bible to be minimized and not taken seriously
No one minimalizes or fails to take the whole Bible seriously but those who reject the finished work of Christ by saying that He failed to fulfill the Law. What part of the Bible am I minimalizing?