"Sixteen verses of inspired Scripture". Actually, several of the preceding verses aren't addressing hair at all, and the verse I quoted is also inspired Scripture. You're playing verses against each other. Paul doesn't contrast "natural women" with "spiritual women" at all.
While hair should not be a distraction, neither should anything else, by intention. Hair is no more a distraction than clothing, shoes, body shape, facial features, voice, or any of a hundred other external aspects of a person that another person may find attractive. Unless a person is actively seeking to get attention, the problem is with the observer, not the observed. Covering the hair isn't going to fix the problem.
While hair should not be a distraction, neither should anything else, by intention. Hair is no more a distraction than clothing, shoes, body shape, facial features, voice, or any of a hundred other external aspects of a person that another person may find attractive. Unless a person is actively seeking to get attention, the problem is with the observer, not the observed. Covering the hair isn't going to fix the problem.
So.....if they don't keep their hair covered the Watchers will swoop down on them and DEFILE them just like they did in Gen.6:4....you don't want your wife defiled by the fallen ones do ya ????