Charles Finney was a primary vessel for the unleashing of the Second Great Awakening of the 19th century. This brief video provides an excellent feel for how supernatural and effective Finney's ministry really was:
Notice how totally "soaked" in prevailing prayer Finney's evangelism was. What most moves me though, is his description of what happened when he was baptized in the Holy Spirit as a young man during a long walk in the woods. His description perfectly matches my imagery for my own experience of Spirit baptism, the greatest day of my life, with the exception that Finney never spoke in tongues like I did on that life-changing day as a spiritually hungry 16-year-old. I describe my experience in detail at the beginning of my Speaking in Tongues thread.
Notice how totally "soaked" in prevailing prayer Finney's evangelism was. What most moves me though, is his description of what happened when he was baptized in the Holy Spirit as a young man during a long walk in the woods. His description perfectly matches my imagery for my own experience of Spirit baptism, the greatest day of my life, with the exception that Finney never spoke in tongues like I did on that life-changing day as a spiritually hungry 16-year-old. I describe my experience in detail at the beginning of my Speaking in Tongues thread.