Now see this (My answer #2) makes no sense to me. In acts 2, Jesus told them they would receive the spirit, because no one could until he departed (He chose the day of Pentecost for a reason.) people did not ask for it. He just came, thats what happens when we ask God for salvation, The spirit comes, and he seals and resides. If you do not have the spirit, your not saved, You have not been baptized, You have not been anointed, you have not been sealed. Your still on the outside looking in.
Jesus gave them a promise indeed, but little description of what exactly was going to happen (or when)... and He told them to stay in Jerusalem until they received it... then he left. Do you suppose the disciples did nothing? What would you be doing if Jesus left you a promise of something vastly important but you didn't know exactly what to expect, or when it would come, etc.? Would you just stand there doing nothing, or would you start praying and seeking God so you'd be ready?
Once you've internally answered those questions, also consider that on the day of Pentecost they were "all in one accord in one place". To me that means they all had their attentions and intentions on the same thing at the same time. I've never seen that happen if a group was just standing around talking and waiting for some promised event. I think there was some serious God-seeking going on in that upper room.
I somewhat desire to just stop there but there's another series of questions to consider when looking at the next part:
He just came, that's what happens when we ask God for salvation, The spirit comes, and he seals and resides.
A.) Was it given at the moment of belief?
B.) Were they asking for salvation at the time they received it?
C.) Were they able to claim they'd already received it just because they could point to a promise?
D.) Did they have to wait until it was actually poured out on them?
Again, those are not intended as battle questions, but I think the actual answers (not the church-approved answers) are very important. The way I see it, the answers are:
A) No. (Some assume it in Acts 10, but it's not stated. & Clearly 'No' in the other 3 cases)
B) No.
C) No.
D) Yes.
If you do not have the spirit, your not saved, You have not been baptized, You have not been anointed, you have not been sealed. Your still on the outside looking in.
Thanks again for your postings and conversation.
Love in Jesus,
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