Climate Change and the Mark of the Beast

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Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
For almost 1260 years this power , the Papacy , persecuted the saints of God . But it was put to a stop until a appointed time ...

Revelation 13: 3

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death;

French troops commanded by Napoleon Bonaparte defeated the papal troops and occupied the Papal States in 1796. In 1798, upon his refusal to renounce his temporal power, Pius was taken prisoner and transported to France.

But this occurred then , but what is happening now ???

Revelation 13:3

And his deadly wound was healed:

Lateran Treaty 1929

Cardinal Gasparri and Benito Mussolini (seated) after exchanging treaty ratifications in the Hall of Congregations, the Vatican, June 7th, 1929. This treaty began the process of giving the Papacy temporal powers.

Along with the beginning countdown of the seven kings , that lead unto , the eight in the book of Revelation.

Revelation 13:3

and all the world wondered after the beast.

Pope Francis and UN agency discuss , Ladato si along side , Sustainable Development on Climate Change.

For those of you on Christian Chat that have been keeping up , reading the threads , upon the Bishop of Rome / Papacy / Beast. That i have been sharing throughout the years , you are aware of what has materialize , but to those that have not taken notes on the times , i will try to compress this information , so that you may examine what is being presented to you and test if it is true or false.

So let us begin this topic with a protest that is going to take place on March 15 , 2019 around the world for Climate Change. One of the individuals we will be addressing goes by the name of Greta Thunberg a sixteen year old from Sweden. She is one of many , forerunner that are pushing , for this Beast System to come to fulfillment.

The World Needs You

Here in America there is another by the name of Alexandria Villasenor , She is involved with the Fridays For Future movement that was sparked by Greta Thunberg in Sweden. But you may be asking yourself these are just kids , why create a thread upon such a silly movement. I would suggest to be patient we are getting to the main point.

March 15: Youth Climate Strike

Adults won’t take climate change seriously. So we, the youth, are forced to strike.

Written on March 7 , 2019 by Alexandria Villasenor and others in this movement...

We, the youth of America, are fed up with decades of inaction on climate change. On Friday, March 15, young people like us across the United States will strike from school. We strike to bring attention to the millions of our generation who will most suffer the consequences of increased global temperatures, rising seas, and extreme weather. But this isn’t a message only to America. It’s a message from the world, to the world, as students in dozen of countries on every continent will be striking together for the first time.

For decades, the fossil fuel industry has pumped greenhouse gas emissions into our atmosphere. Thirty years ago, climate scientist James Hansen warned Congress about climate change . Now , according to the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report on global temperature rise, we have only 11 years to prevent even worse effects of climate change. And that is why we strike.

We strike to support the Green New Deal. Outrage has swept across the United States over the proposed legislation. Some balk at the cost of transitioning the country to renewable energy, while others recognize its far greater benefit to society as a whole. The Green New Deal is an investment in our future—and the future of generations beyond us—that will provide jobs, critical new infrastructure and most importantly, the drastic reduction in greenhouse gas emissions essential to limit global warming. And that is why we strike.

For those that have been following my threads , you clearly have a understanding were this is heading , now for those that are new let us examine were did this Green New Deal originated from ???


Adults wont take climate change seriously


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
2 Thessalonians 2:3-4

Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.​

After signing One World Religion Covenant , Pope Francis makes his next push

Just days after the Pope signed the most important interfaith document in history , he had the opportunity to address global political leaders by video at the World Government summit in Dubai. During his remarks he once again stress THE NEED FOR GLOBAL UNITY , AND HE ENCOURAGE THOSE ATTENDING TO EMBRACE " SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT " but he also stressed that SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT WILL NEVER SUCCEED WITHOUT " SOLIDARITY ".

Signing of one world religion covenant Pope Francis

So what is the definition of solidarity , is it not unity ??? But what exactly is this " SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT " that the Bishop of Rome is address to these political leaders , let us continue with what was expounded at this meeting.

The Pope once again stress the need for more global unity ; Referencing " The Biblical Story of Noah " The Pope suggested that in order to safeguard peace , we too " need to enter together as one family into the ark , which can sail the stormy seas of the world. " This means acknowledging . " God is at the origin of the one human family.

So let us examine this using wisdom my brothers / sister at Christian Chat , as 1 John 4:1 teaches those that are in Christ , beloved , believe not every spirit , but try the spirits whether they are of God . The Papacy speech address these fundamental propositions , Solidarity along with unity . But before i continue to address this , there is something brewing up at the nation capital that many may not be aware of the situation at stake.

US Senate to Consider 'Green New Deal'

The U.S. Senate is expected to consider the most ambitious and sweeping measure to combat climate change ever put before Congress. The "Green New Deal" calls for a rapid transformation of America's economy and infrastructure to eliminate carbon emissions and fight economic and racial inequality.

But were did this accord come from ??? let us continue examine these things ...

Green New Deal movement is a counter-reaction to decades of middle-class decline

The Green New Deal (GND) is a political and grassroots movement that links climate change with poverty and aims to solve both crises at the same time...​

The GND’s overarching mission is rooted in the humanistic theology that Pope Francis drew upon in his milestone 2015 Encyclical on Climate Change and Inequality, a precursor to the GND manifesto in linking global warming with poverty.

Green New Deal Movement

But what exactly is this 2015 Encyclical on Climate Change , and what this has to do with me ? Earlier the Papacy was addressing the world leaders on " SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT " along with solidarity and his vision of a ark for all , but in order , for them to build this ark they need instructions , so let us find there instruction manual...

Let us continue onward shall we ???​


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
In a magazine written by Catholics called

The ARK is Pope Francis 2015 Encyclical Ladato si , and what is in this decree ? I have left a link down below , to Vatican main site so that you yourself could read it , in it's completeness # 237 a call to keep the first day holy for the entire world. This is the situation at hand , it has all to do with worship , but by force as in the dark ages. Those that are familiar with history have a clear understanding how the Papacy operates , it has always used , political power to do its biding , and thee american presidents , United Nations have given him much room to flourish not only in this Land of Liberty. But among mostly all leaders in this world.

Now we have many of the world leaders that are also adopting this decree , along with the youth so we can takes notes that persecution of the Saints is close at hand for all nations. For as the Holy Scriptures taught , us , the whole world is wondering after the beast Revelation 13:3

Pope Francis The Ark

Ladato si


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
- This man is thee son of perdition -

One of the key things we have to take notes upon while studying , the beast , written in the book of revelation as the world leader . We as believers can often overlook the fact that the scripture also tell us he will be a religious leader. This is a key influencer , not only , on the formation of a universal one world system. But in reality also a religious system .

There is a distinction between someone that is born again from God and another that is religious , a person can be religious and be a follower without being born again from God at all . As this world is filled with differentiate types of variations of religions , Ladato si was crafted specifically to bring them all in union under the influence of the Beast , it is a man-made system , a human centric system.

That is focus upon people doing good things , as the world would define them. Let me repeat myself

" As the world would define them "

But in reality it is thee deception that came upon those that did not have love for the truth. The Papacy Encyclical Ladato si , is creating a situation that will enforce one to submit to his laws as in the dark ages.

They are telling the world , it is because of climate change , income inequality , and the poor but at the same time it is about WORSHIP , and they are confident to point upon the Pope Encyclical that it is the foundation the roots of this movement . But they themselves are not aware that it is by his policy of peace he shall destroy many Daniel 8:25 , The wise will understand as it is written in Daniel 12:10 , the wise will see these things and then compare them with with Word Of God.

So this is the charade that Satan is using to bring about his end game , so that many souls may be lost by his deceitfulness , that seems as a peaceful thing to do but will utterly bring upon many sudden destruction.. Meaning all have to enter his " the Papacy " Ark ... The one the Bishop of Rome / The Papacy / Eight King / Beast has built Ladato Si .

So what will occur to those that do not partake of this man made covenant that is Antichrist , persecution dear friends...

As a example let us examine the world of William Tyndale . In His very own words , how was it to live in such a era , controlled by the Papacy.

An answer unto sir Thomas More's dialogue (1531).​

  • Take heed, therefore, wicked prelates, blind leaders of the blind; indurate and obstinate hypocrites, take heed …. Ye will be the chiefest in Christ's flock, and yet will not keep one jot of the right way of his doctrine …ye keep thereof almost naught at all, but whatsoever soundeth to make of your bellies, to maintain your honour, whether in the Scripture, or in your own traditions, or in the pope's law, that ye compel the lay-people to observe; violently threatening them with your excommunications and curses, that they shall be damned, body and soul, if they keep them not. And if that help you not, then ye murder them mercilessly with the sword of the temporal powers, whom ye have made so blind that they be ready to slay whom ye command, and will not hear his cause examined, nor give him room to answer for himself.

There are two paths in these final moments before Christ returns , you will have to make the choice either stand with , the Word of God or Ladato Si . You are accountable for this decision no one else ...

Revelation 14:12

Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

If you have family / friends / co workers / neighbors please share with them this news and pray that the LORD open there eyes to these truths for time is short ...

The Beast movement is making its way in darkness , using dark sentences upon the youth to fulfill his vices . We as believers in Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior ought to pray for the youth and those that are in high levels of congress , that they may see the snare that Satan has set fourth upon them...

Shalom to all the brethren that are in Jesus Christ the Lord on Christian Chat​


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013

Daniel 7:25

And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.

William Tyndale

If they join themselves unto the Pope and persecute you for your faith and hope which ye have in the Lord Jesus ; Then call to mind , that ye be chosen to suffer here with Christ , that ye may joy with Him in the life to come with joy everlasting , that shall infinitely pass this your short pain here .

William Tyndale Exposition pp. 245

William Tyndale Expositions and Notes

I know that this work was not written in vain , and that the LORD has given time so that we may be prepared for what is ahead...

Shalom to all the brethren that are on Christian Chat​


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Pope Francis meets Greta Thunberg

It is very interesting how the Beast is informed on how things will come about , in the end , yet there are many in the religious system 501c3 churches , that have Teachers , Pastors , Brethren that have been feed false doctrine from the Jesuit Order to serve to the congregation as truth , to tickle there ears and there minds to sleep , awaken oh sleeper on the reality that will take place according to Holy Scripture.

There are two sides to this climate change theory , one that supports it and the other that disregards it. But the reality of this subject is that both parties are in error. But how can this be so , you may say in your mind. Let us bring to mind how the world , it inhabitants , along with the sea and land , in what condition will it be before the coming of Messiah.

Revelation 16:2

And the first went, and poured out his vial upon the earth; and there fell a noisome and grievous sore upon the men which had the mark of the beast, and upon them which worshipped his image.

Revelation 16:3
And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea.

Revelation 16:4

And the third angel poured out his vial upon the rivers and fountains of waters; and they became blood.

These are truths that will keep your mind on the truth in His Word , for He has told us of these thing ahead , so that we may not be toss in the waves of doctrines of men...

The climate change agenda cannot be healed by man intent , for many things will come upon the earth before the coming of Messiah , this is why both groups do not comprehend and are in error , due to not knowing The Holy Scriptures and the coming about end results. The Beast/ Papacy is using this very exploit that the people have , to bring about his final authoritarian world order.

Now for those that were taught Pre Tribulation rapture by your 501c3 Pastors , Teachers , you have been given the wine of Babylon , The works of the Jesuit Order ...​

Satan knows very clearly , that many individuals will not read the scripture themselves , but be followers of what is the popular teaching on many individual subjects . But this is written to you oh sleeper , in hopes , that you awaken and put on your loins be girded about , and your lights burning.

The smooth talk of False teachers

Were the Waldensians , Albigenses , Reformers in error , when they pointed to the Papacy as the Anti Christ , and the Roman Catholic Church as Mystery Babylon ???

Revelation 17:6

And I saw the woman drunken with the blood of the saints, and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus: and when I saw her, I wondered with great admiration.

If you have Pastors , Teachers , or Brethren teaching as the pastor in the video above , perhaps your church has been infiltrated by Jesuit doctrine. You have to ask yourself why would a Pastor , Teacher not teach what occur in the past that was well documented by those that survived ???

1 Peter 5:8​

Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour:


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Mayor de Blasio Signs Executive Order to Adopt Goals of Paris Climate Agreement

Mayor Bill de Blasio signed an executive order today that promised New York City would commit to the principles enshrined in the Paris Climate Agreement Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Executive Order 26 available here.

Executive Order 26

But this was back in 2007 , if you have read my threads you are aware that the Paris Agreement is just a twist on words that points directly to Ladato Si Encyclical .

De Blasio Unveils NYC Green New Deal

Commentary: Heeding Pope Francis’ eco-encyclical could pave way for Green New Deal

"Think 10 years isn’t enough time for such dramatic changes to take hold ? You underestimate the power of changing hearts to bring about life-changing legislation. In 2004, GOP operatives put anti-same-sex marriage policies on state ballots to draw out voters who were opposed to the practice. By 2014, American culture had transformed so dramatically on gay and lesbian marriage that pushing legislation barring it would have been political suicide. Our culture could also have an ecological conversation in a similar timeframe. Perhaps even faster, given the new technologies. Let’s get to work."

Steps To Enforce Laudato Si written by Jesuit Charles C. Camosy

Heeding Pope Francis Ladato Si

Here is a question for those that are reading , is Charles C. Camosy using Hegelian dialectic or are they no longer worried of concealing there true intentions ???

Let us be patient and trust in the LORD , that we may continue to walk with Him , doing what is right in his sight . For only He can give us strength , for the times , that are ahead to overcome it all .

If the Jesuits are at work for there kingdom that is ANTI-CHRIST , let us go to work for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior...​

Shalom to all those on Christian Chat that have read this post.​


Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
yes, new York and California are lost. Stockton , ca. is rolling out a basic universal income. new York is on the verge of mandatory vaccines ...


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Mayors at Vatican Seek 'Bold Climate Agreement'

Environmentally friendly leaders from around the world, including the New York City Mayor and California Governor, have gathered at the Vatican for a two-day conference rallying momentum ahead of Paris climate negotiations later this year. (July 21)

Yet this was published back in 2015 , it is interesting to see how the puzzle pieces are coming together , it is plain to those who have eyes to see , who are there handlers in these affairs.

yes, new York and California are lost. Stockton , ca. is rolling out a basic universal income. new York is on the verge of mandatory vaccines ...
I was not aware on such a situation in California , thanks for bringing it to my attention. Seems they are testing the U.N. sustainable development goals .​

It looks as a good hearted thing to accomplish , but the reality upon the U.N. 2030 goals , it leads directly to the Mark of the Beast.

Now as for New York City mandatory vaccination , in that particular Jewish community. I have no say on it as for this moment. I believe there was a issue , a couple of years back in NYC , that they tried to mandate there H1N1 Bird-flu shots but it was to not successful .

I will try to update this particular thread when it is the proper time to address , examine the times , we are living in and study the scripture , examine yourself if you are in the Faith.

Yet knowing these things , are great to help others see prophecy coming to pass , it does not save if we are living as the world and not walking as Christ .

Let your light so shine before men



Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Extinction Rebellion: UK declares a climate emergency

The UK / Parliament is the first country in the world to declare a climate emergency , friends are you now aware how the Beast / Papacy plot is being fulfilled ?

There is a tidal wave of deception sweeping across the world today , the final deception that Satan is deceiving the world with has all to do with worship. He has used the Roman Catholic Church and her wine to make the earth drunk .

He is using Ladato si , to bring upon , destruction to all that did not have love for the truth.

Just look at the ecumenical movement today as a example , all the churches and religions are uniting with the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope that man of sin , is being elevated to a high position over these churches , religions and soon nations . Just as bible prophecy said would happen , and because the people don't want to give up on there worldly lives or diligently study The Word for themselves , God will allow them to be taken in by the final deception.​

Please friends its time to wake up , its time to turn from your sins and turn to Jesus Christ . Because the time is close at hand , for a persecution of God people , the climate will continue to deteriorate according to scripture , and that man of sin will used this as a exploit , to fulfilled his final authoritarian world order.

In the coming days , months , years we will continue to see more countries fall into the Bishop of Rome hands.



Senior Member
Jan 18, 2011
not sure if this pope is the one, but he is definitely a snake.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
The Antichrist will come from a country that was part of the Assyrian Empire. That area consisted of modern Turkey,Syria,Iran and Iraq


Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
Pelosi and House Democrats Introduce Climate Action Now Act

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and House Democrats are holding a news conference to introduce H.R. 9, the Climate Action Now Act. The bill will ensure America honors the Paris Agreement.

This was presented in late March 27 , 2019 but what has occurred sense this introduction of H.R. 9 at the Present time.

Yesterday the US House of Representatives passed the first major climate legislation in nearly a decade. The Climate Action Now Act (H.R. 9)

You can read the bill in its entirety here :

H.R. 9 116th Congress : Climate Action Now Act

Now i am aware there will be naysayers on this very forum , thinking this is just someone typing nonsense out of thin air , without a conclusion. But dear friend i have shared , much truths that you have denied by your own judgement . But in hopes that you may see , the adversary kingdom surrounding the saints , i continue to update this thread in love for the brethren in Christ .

Pope: Sustainable development rooted in ethical values

Pope Francis on Friday meets with participants in an international conference entitled, “Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals

Noting the importance of the religious dimension to this gathering, Pope Francis said that “those of us who are religious need to open up the treasures of our best traditions in order to engage in a true and respectful dialogue on how to build the future of our planet.”

Concluding his address and quoting his encyclical Laudato Si , he told those present that, “three and a half years since the adoption of the sustainable development goals, we must be even more acutely aware of the importance of accelerating and adapting our actions in responding adequately to both the cry of the earth and the cry of the poor.”

Who were present at this meeting , leaders of various religions along with political leaders. Make note what the Papacy has address to all nations , by his encyclical to care for the earth , and also to solve poverty.

He says SUNDAY must be enforced. Paragraph 237 # of Ladato Si

Link : Ladato Si
In order for the U.N to bring about there Sustainable development goals , they must adopt the ethical policies and values of the Roman Catholic Church Vicar Ladato Si . Will this not unite Church and State ??? This bring us to a awareness that no country will have its own national sovereignty , and every law written , in a countries constitution is overthrown by the Papacy statute . Just as it were in the dark ages .

The same article continues along with the following ...​

In 2015 Pope Francis addressed the UN General Assembly in New York shortly before member states unanimously adopted Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals.

Notice who is behind agenda 2030 , the Papacy , let us continue along reading ...​

Fast forward to 2019 and the Pope was in the Vatican on Friday where he greeted participants taking part in a two day international conference entitled, “Religions and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs): Listening to the cry of the earth and of the poor”.

Economic and political objectives, Pope Francis stressed, “must be sustained by ethical objectives, which presuppose a change of attitude: what the Bible would call a change of heart. Already Saint John Paul II spoke about the need to “encourage and support an ‘ecological conversion’”, he said.

A ecological conversion for Agenda 2030 links directly to Paragraph 237 # of Ladato Si
The Pontiff also underlined, that “if we want to provide a solid foundation for the work of the 2030 Agenda, “ we must reject the temptation to look for a merely technocratic response to the challenges, and be prepared to address the root causes and the long-term consequences.”

Link to the article on Vatican website here : Pope : Sustainable Development

To address climate change , to address all the challenges ahead the United Nations , they must reject the temptation to look for a merely technocratic response . So what exactly is the focus , the root cause , that nations are not ethical . So what are ethical values , moral values , spiritual values ???

So where can the nations go to acquire such entitlements , that they have not embrace according to the Papacy. According to the Papacy a technocratic response is useless.

Definition of a Technocratic / Technocracy :

Technocracy is a proposed system of governance in which decision-makers are selected on the basis of their expertise in a given area of responsibility, particularly with regard to scientific or technical knowledge.

So the Papacy is addressing the nations directly , do not listen to what the political leaders , governors , , nor experts are saying. But only listen to the Roman Catholic Church leader voice , The Pope of Rome .
Those that are not born again , have no choice , but to fulfilled prophecy ...

Revelation 13:3

And I saw one of his heads as it were wounded to death; and his deadly wound was healed: and all the world wondered after the beast.

For those that have read the articles , let us be reminded from God Word present truth , Take heed therefore that the light which is in thee be not darkness.



Senior Member
Apr 25, 2013
The Antichrist will come from a country that was part of the Assyrian Empire. That area consisted of modern Turkey,Syria,Iran and Iraq
You are clearly aware tanakh that the Papacy power , seat and great authority , was given to him , from Emperor Justinian I .

Revelation 13:2​

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Justinian Empire capital was located in Constantinople which is now called modern Turkey .

When the Roman Empire , under Emperor Justinian , gave the Bishop of Rome . Absolute dominion over all churches in his 533 AD letter , then later power over the states in his 545 AD letter in the 5th and 6th centuries , let us be reminded , of how many countless saints were persecuted , or given to the sword and the fire just as prophecy said would occur to the saints of God , by this Beast ...

" The Justinian Decree 131st Novel issued in 545 AD gives the Bishop of Rome / Papacy first rank "

Meaning the power , seat and great authority , that the Bishop of Rome wields , was given to him by the dragon ...

The Conclusion to this , the Roman Emperors along with the Bishop of Rome have always been ANTI-CHRIST

These are truths that many teachers do not preach upon , due to being drinking with , the wine of Babylon ...



If you folks continue to look toward Rome for the antichrist you will miss his arrival.
Oct 12, 2012
You are clearly aware tanakh that the Papacy power , seat and great authority , was given to him , from Emperor Justinian I .

Revelation 13:2​

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Justinian Empire capital was located in Constantinople which is now called modern Turkey .

When the Roman Empire , under Emperor Justinian , gave the Bishop of Rome . Absolute dominion over all churches in his 533 AD letter , then later power over the states in his 545 AD letter in the 5th and 6th centuries , let us be reminded , of how many countless saints were persecuted , or given to the sword and the fire just as prophecy said would occur to the saints of God , by this Beast ...

" The Justinian Decree 131st Novel issued in 545 AD gives the Bishop of Rome / Papacy first rank "

Meaning the power , seat and great authority , that the Bishop of Rome wields , was given to him by the dragon ...

The Conclusion to this , the Roman Emperors along with the Bishop of Rome have always been ANTI-CHRIST

These are truths that many teachers do not preach upon , due to being drinking with , the wine of Babylon ...

This is the craziest BS I've ever heard in my life?! But it is funny 😀 and entertaining, I'll give you that!!! 🤕


Senior Member
Mar 13, 2014
You are clearly aware tanakh that the Papacy power , seat and great authority , was given to him , from Emperor Justinian I .

Revelation 13:2​

And the beast which I saw was like unto a leopard, and his feet were as the feet of a bear, and his mouth as the mouth of a lion: and the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority.

Justinian Empire capital was located in Constantinople which is now called modern Turkey .

When the Roman Empire , under Emperor Justinian , gave the Bishop of Rome . Absolute dominion over all churches in his 533 AD letter , then later power over the states in his 545 AD letter in the 5th and 6th centuries , let us be reminded , of how many countless saints were persecuted , or given to the sword and the fire just as prophecy said would occur to the saints of God , by this Beast ...

" The Justinian Decree 131st Novel issued in 545 AD gives the Bishop of Rome / Papacy first rank "

Meaning the power , seat and great authority , that the Bishop of Rome wields , was given to him by the dragon ...

The Conclusion to this , the Roman Emperors along with the Bishop of Rome have always been ANTI-CHRIST

These are truths that many teachers do not preach upon , due to being drinking with , the wine of Babylon ...

The papacy would have no power at all if it were not for God as God appoints all those in positions of authority whether for good or bad.


Senior Member
Dec 1, 2015
The papacy would have no power at all if it were not for God as God appoints all those in positions of authority whether for good or bad.
According to Revelation the hills the Prostitute sits on are also seven Kings. Most people identify them as Roman Emperors. The seven Churches would have almost certainly identified them with that because the Catholic Church and Pope didn't exist at that time and didn't get off the ground until around Constantines day. Revelation was written for the benefit of the church throughout its history not just bits of it. The Pope was not seen by most as Antichrist until the Reformation. Thats a long time for people to latch on.
There have also been periods when there was more than one Pope. Also Napoleon managed to take the current Pope prisoner.
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