Hmmmm.... Nobody has yet to remark upon the Biblical references in the video..... not to mention the physical and historical evidence provided. Have any of you watched it?
No Water
The video said there was no water anywhere near the Temple Mount.
I know there is at least one huge cistern on the temple mount, along with large springs very close nearby, and possibly some aqueducts that may have brought water in from a different elevation. So having water on or near the temple mount wasn't a problem. No one has EVER thought water on the mount was a problem.
The contention that the temple had no water was a major keystone of the video... and that seems to be a non issue.
A bigger problem is... since there was plenty of water, and anyone visiting the temple mount could easily see the cistern and the springs nearby... why would the video claim there was no water?. It might give the impression there is some intentional misrepresentation of facts.
Fort Antonia Too Small
Another contention was that Fort Antonia was too small to hold an entire Roman legion.
As far as I can see, there isn't any reason to think the entire legion was garrisoned in that Fort.
The fort seems to be little more than a kind of "watch tower", and it probably wasn't needed for much more than that.
I'm sure there are plenty of historical records discussing how the troops were garrisoned throughout the area; Romans were quite meticulous.
Again, historians and archaeologists have never had any issue with the size of Fort Antonia.
That would suggest to me that, most likely, the Roman troops WERE spread around the area, and this was well documented, and nobody is concerned about it.
Keep in mind that Judea was a very difficult area to control with a very difficult population; they hated the romans, and they often had revolts and uprisings.
So it would make perfect sense to have the troops garrisoned in various key locations.
Anyway, that's just going off the top of my head, but it wouldn't be hard to do some googling and look it up.
That's it for today
It's not my goal in life to debunk Bob Cornuke.
I have no problem with the man.
He's probably a great guy.
However, we do know there was water on the mount, and the issue with Fort Antonia just seems like a non issue.