At first I just glanced at this thread and wasn't going to bother watching the video. But then some of the comments here caught my eye ("disgusting," "more than wrong" etc.) so I watched the video.
I thought it was kinda funny because it didn't seem that bad to me.
1. A few people dropped crosses at the guy's feet. I don't really get what the point of doing this was, but big deal. Hardly qualifies as "disgusting" or "more than wrong"... I would lean more towards odd behavior, but in line with what I've seen a lot of charismatics do (I'm not charismatic, FWIW).
2. One guy was holding a sign saying "Jesus Loves You"... Surely that's not "disgusting" or "more than wrong."
3. The crowd started chanting "Jesus" and saying some other stuff I couldn't really make out. Again, this strikes me as odd behavior, but still very common among some Christians. I've experienced that sort of behavior by people on this forum and in other chat rooms. I have fellow Christians pull this sort of behavior on me all the time. It evidences an immature or unsophisticated "stick-my-fingers-in-my-ears-and-go-la-la-la-la" approach to disagreement. In my opinion, this isn't "disgusting" or "more than wrong" but it is childish. I've also had atheists pull this sort of behavior on me. Only instead of chanting "Jesus" to drown you out they will start yelling insults. It's a psychological defense mechanism that a lot of people exhibit.
4. One guy started thanking God for Egypt, Syria and other Middle Eastern countries and saying that Jesus loves them. Again, absolutely nothing wrong with that.
So, over all, no big deal. Some of them were doing odd, immature things. But I've seen atheists do the same, I've seen Democrats do the same to Republicans and vice versa, I've seen pro-choice advocates and pro-life advocates do the same, I've seen pro-homosexuals and anti-homosexuals do the same. I've even group of Jews do the same thing to Christians in Jerusalem.
If anything, it's a demonstration of how the mob mentality causes the collective IQ to drop a few points.