I have a simple question. John in revelations is saying all who take the mark of the beast will specifically
share the torment of the Beast eternally.
Now for this to be significant, it means sinners others would be destroyed and not tormented.
My understanding of salvation is sinners, who are lost, empty, unfocused individuals who when brought into
God presence fall apart, will just be destroyed. Their rebellion is lostness, not open rebellion in knowledge
of the truth, but in seeing life and the world and just staying in its contradictions, rejecting anything the Lord
laid out before them. So a mortal rebellion gets a limited torment followed by destruction.
share the torment of the Beast eternally.
Now for this to be significant, it means sinners others would be destroyed and not tormented.
My understanding of salvation is sinners, who are lost, empty, unfocused individuals who when brought into
God presence fall apart, will just be destroyed. Their rebellion is lostness, not open rebellion in knowledge
of the truth, but in seeing life and the world and just staying in its contradictions, rejecting anything the Lord
laid out before them. So a mortal rebellion gets a limited torment followed by destruction.
Please provide any scripture which teaches that sinners, other than the ones who worship the beast and receive his mark, will be destroyed. Consider the following scripture:
"And they will go away into eternal punishment, but the righteous will go into eternal life." - Matt.25:46
The above is in reference to the sheep and the goat judgment which will take place when the Lord returns to the earth to end the age. As you can see, the same word "aionios" is used to describe both the length of time for the punishment of the wicked and the length of time for life for the righteous. Since the same word is used for both, then they must convey the same meaning for both. Therefore, if you interpret eternal/aionios as being temporary for the wicked, then eternal life for the righteous would also have to be temporary, because the same word is being used to describe both groups. In short, whatever you determine for one group, the same must be true for the other. So, is eternal life for the righteous temporary? Consider the following also:
"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."
The word "apoleia" translated as "destruction" is defined as the following:
684 /apṓleia ("destruction") does not imply "annihilation" (see the meaning of the root-verb, 622 /apóllymi, "cut off") but instead "loss of well-being" rather than being
For the most part, the verb Apollumi and its noun apoleia in their definitions do not imply annihilation or extinction, as you can see from what I have highlighted above in red.
I've used this example before, but I will present it for you here. When the wind and the waves were swamping the boat "The disciples went and woke Him, saying, “Lord, save us! We are perishing!” The word "apollumi" translated as "perishing is used in the scripture. Now surely the disciples were not saying to Jesus "Lord, save us! We are about to become annihilated or extinct.
The same word "apollumi" is used when Jesus said, "And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; otherwise the wine will burst the wineskins, and the wine will be destroyed--and the wineskins." It is the same here, Jesus is not saying that the wine and the wineskins would be annihilated or become extinct, but that both would be ruined.
It is important for us to look at the actual Hebrew and/or Greek words and not just the translated English words. The words translated words "destroy" and "perish" is a big part of the reason for this idea of annihilation of the wicked, opposed to what the scriptures state which is eternal, on-going, conscious existence in separation from God in the lake of fire. Since the Greek words "apollumi and apoleia" are not defined as implying annihilation or extinction, why are people continue to apply that meaning?
Following the beast is going from being lost into eternal rebellion against the King, in a way that is obvious
and eternal. The signing up to lawlessness and evil will be complete with a rejection of love and life.
Today after seeing what is told about being shown on the dark web, there are people who are so far gone, they
already are this evil and lost.
The idea that a person who has made do in life is doomed to eternal torture seems disproportionate and like
saying a young child born into a disbelieving family, should be tormented for behaviour they have done before
the age of responsibility. Equally to say these children will automatically go to heaven contravenes the gospel
and Pauls writings. So this catagory of destruction seems to fit this reality. I am not saying this is "right" I am
saying on the balance of the issues and scripture, this seems to fit and for me seems just.
saying a young child born into a disbelieving family, should be tormented for behaviour they have done before
the age of responsibility. Equally to say these children will automatically go to heaven contravenes the gospel
and Pauls writings. So this catagory of destruction seems to fit this reality. I am not saying this is "right" I am
saying on the balance of the issues and scripture, this seems to fit and for me seems just.
The plain truth is that, there is not one scripture that would suggest that punishment for the wicked is temporary. For the words to convey their punishment are "eternal, everlasting and forever and ever."
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