Good morning wansvic. I noticed that you stopped at vs9 of John 5 and did not include the last sentence which says, "Now it was the Sabbath on that day." These words begin to explain the purpose of what Jesus was doing. Vs10, "Therefore the Jews were saying to him who wascured, "It was the Sabbath, anbd it is not permissible for you to carry your pallet."
If you read the rest of the context Jesus was making the point that He as the Son of God does not act independently of His Father, vs19. Look at what Jesus says at John 5:17, "But He answered them, "My Father is working until now, and I Myself am working." Vs18, "For this cause therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because (or why wansvic?) He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God."
Then, as I said at vs19 Jesus explains His mission. In other words, the Father is giving Jesus His blessing as to His true identity. Why would the Jews want to kill Jesus for claiming that God was His own Father? I say this because the Jews themselves claim that God is their Father as well?
Also, look at what Luke 2:49 states, "And He said to them, (that is Mary and Joseph His parents) "Why is it that you were looking for Me? Did you not know that I HAD TO BE ABOUT MY FATHER'S BUSINESS/AFFAIRS?" Even at age 12 Jesus was calling God the Father His own Father.
Now, I know what I'm about to say next you will not like but facts are facts. Since your church teaches that Jesus Christ is God the Father how then do you explain the distinction of "persons" between the Jesus Christ the Son and Jesus Christ at the same time being God the Father? This is what you guys teach and I'm not making this up.
You cannot continue to "whistle in the dark hoping the dark goes away" regarding these heretical beliefs no matter how much you don't like hearing it. This stuff is "REAL" and will not go away. When I was a young man of 22 I went to Vietnam in January of 1968 and was there two weeks and the Tet offensive started. It was absolutely horrible and at the same time it was in a way beautiful watching (especially at nigh)t the tracers of the bullets and the rockets every single night at 2:00am for two weeks straight like the fourth of July. It "DID NOT SEEM REAL." It was like a dream and your saying to yourself, "this can't be happening." Reality finally sets in and your saying to yourself, "people are "REALLY" trying to kill you." Since that time I thank the Lord daily that I'm able to wake up not only to "breath" but to serve Him for getting me out of that mess.
In short, people need to take God seriously because it has eternal consequences and saying things like, "these are only little errors and don't really matter" or "God can handle everything and bring everybody through, just love one another and it will be alright." Think!