After threescore and two weeks will Messiah be cut off. That's 62 weeks. So NO, it is not announcing the 70 weeks. You have it wrong.
Daniel 9:24
Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to
finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation
for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the
vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
6 things have to happen to realize the messianic prophecy in the 70 weeks as revealed to Daniel:
- finish the transgression
- make an end of sins
- make reconciliation for iniquity
- bring in everlasting righteousness
- seal the vision and the prophecy
- anoint the Most Holy
these 6 things are to be fulfilled during the First advent of Jesus leading up to and Finished at Calvary.
this critical time frame and prophecy was given so precisely as to absolutely disallow any other messiah as only Jesus appeared at this exact place and time.
attempts to sever the 70th week from the other 69 is ONLY for the purpose of denying that Jesus is the messiah that fulfilled all 6 events.
it is through this single prophecy that dispensationalism is exposed > that is the single most important reason for the precision of the prophecy: that there would absolutely no question that Jesus was the anointed messaih and that He would fulfill all that was decreed.
there is no gap, the Kingdom was not postponed.
Jesus has already come in the flesh as messiah, and Daniel is the key.
2 John 1:7
For many deceivers have gone out into the world, those who do not confess the coming of Jesus Christ in the flesh. Such a one is the deceiver and the antichrist.
these 6 events were to be a signal to the jews that the prophesied Christ had come.
the 70 weeks finished with those 6 events. only a denier according to 2 John will say they did not.
the 70th brought the new Coveant, and everlasting righteousness for all who believe.
the New Coveant would replace the Old.
dispensationalism teaches that the 6 events are about national israel and not about Jesus or the church (which is believing national israel merged with believing gentiles)
what 'progressive" or "new" dispensationalists don't understand is that the classic, or original dispensationalists said that the first 5 events were about ancient israel, jeruslame and the return from babylon but that the 6th, anointing the Most Holy is about a place: the temple.
the anointing of the Most holyPlace refers of course to the new temple to be built and that
when the jews build their new temple God/or jesus will return to dwell again behind the veil.
dispensationalism was always intended to substitute jesus Christ fulfilling the prophecies of Daniel for a temple in Jerusalem. clever devices were used deceive Christians into believing in an earthly 1,000 years reign from Jerusalm for jesus so they would not hinder the Talmudists, and in fact would help them.
those Christians have been taught that Mystery Babylon The Great is Rome, or NY, or Iran....never old Jerusalem, even though it is so clearly written in the Bible. the new dispensationalists have set aside their personal study without dispensational presuppositions and indoctrination and believed the deceivers like lahaye and hagee and the lot.
dispensational teaching perverts the anointing of the Most Holy Jesus Christ at The First Advent, His having fulfilled all righteousness required as well as making a full end to sacrifice for sins, by applying those passages to national israel and a temple.
the Temple has no place whatsoever in the Redemptive Plan of God beyond the consummation in eternity, New Jerusalem.
the 6 things mentioned in Daniel that had to be fulfilled by Jesus are purely messianic, and are the fulfillment of all the covenant promises made to national Israel, in the Person of Jesus Christ.
dispensational teaching (and Judaism) make the temple and the nation of israel the messiah.
with the construction of a new temple, misunderstood as ezekiel's temple, weare to believe that animal sacrifice will be renewed and apporved by God, that He will return to the jews and accept this sacrifice.
dispensational teachers vary on whether the Plan B church will be present at this time or in heaven having been taken in the rapture some time before.
they would have us believe that after 2,000 years God will again approve of a Temple and sacrifice, and he will embrace those who have repeatedly blasphemed and tread upon the blood of Christ.
because the 70th week belongs to national israel, they say, and since many of the jews rejected Christ, they say, God postponed The Kingdom and will in fact accept an animal instaed of His Son.
present day dispensational students may not understand the foundation of their beliefs, but these are the facts. this system was introduced for one reason oly: to establish the end time deception that old Jerusalem and apostate israel is the wife of god and the Plan B church is the bride of Christ.
they rebuild the wall of partition and have christians believing in two Gods with two Covenants.
these teachings say that these animal sacrifices God is now pleased with will be stopped by a gentile Antichrist (the pope?) which causes God to ge really mad and rain down his wrath on the Antichrist who would dare to interfere with His revived Mosaic Covenant.
all of this is supposedly taking place during the 7 year tribulation (t has to be 7 years of course, since that is the 70th week which was stolen from jesus Christ and His Finished Work at the First Advent.
half-way through this 7 years tribulation, they say, is when the gentile Antichrist who pretended to
be israel's friend suddenly turns on her and stops her pleasing animal sacrifices. this really ticks God off so he begins the GREAT TRIBULATION which is his time of wrath poured out on the Antichrist and his followers who dared to stop the daily sacrifices in the temple God is so happy with.
see, God had to stop the Work of jesus on calvary (even though he went through with it) because many jews didn't believe on Him.
so the last week of Daniel had to placed at the end of the Plan of redmption so the unbelieving jews (who call Jesus a bastard and say he used witchcraft to perfom His miracles) can get right under the Old Covenant.
the story says that the Law keepers are good to go even if they take the mark, since, as with all other things promised, they didn't believe it, so they are specially sealed anyways. they will suddenly be saved regadless of anything else the moment they see jesus coming in the sky.
unbeleivnggentiles who see jesus coming in the sky may not be saved at that time apparently, that's only the blind jews.
we're undecided as to where the
church has been all this while, but we seem to agree that she comes back now with jesus and the unbeliving blaspheming jews now believe and the gentile Antichrist and his gentile followers are either cast into hell or BOUND for a 1,000 years.
now the real action starts!
national israel is now restored as the chosen people of God, the church belongs to Jesus and th millennial reign begins.
israel is the kingdom of priest and kings, not sure what the gentiles do, there is a resurrection of some kind of all the jews who have died in unblief and they are given temporary flesh bodies to be restored under the new HOLY system on earth in old Jerusalem, probably by animal sacrifices, just as unbeliving jews were during the severed 70th week which is the 7 year tribulation.
during this time of peace, Jesus (and God?) are reigning on earth and lions lay down with lambs but men fight and kill each other, sin is still abounding (though satan is tied up for a thoudsand years) and so capital punishment under Mosaic Law is taking place (not sure who is rebelling or being killed since dispensational theology says the rest of the dead aren't raised until the 1,000 years is over....this needs some tweaking.
finally after 1,000 years of unknown activity, presumabl people get saved but we're not sure how since it is no longer byu grace through faith, since jesus is reigning visibily from jerusalem. perhaps its animals sacrifcies? or some say sacrifices of love and praise are what's meant.
in any case, appranetly lots of people get saved, then they have to die again since they are in flesh bodies, so i guess that's how it works in the general resurrection at the end of the 1,000 years when all are Judged.
then, we are told, finally, down comes New Jerusalem ( did it come down with jesus before the 1,000 years?) and eternity begins. we are undecided as to whether the earth is renewed at this point or whtehr jesus makes a new earth now.
and they live happily ever after since ALL israel got saved by hook or by crook, no matter it meant reversing the Eternal Plan and having jesus not be king or priest or Lamb or anything like that til the 70th week way in the future.
~ back to Daniel to see if that story lines up:
the 60th week ended and the 70th followed right after (imagine that!) when jesus went to the jordan to baptised by john, who said BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD THAT TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD, identifying according to Daniel's prophecy that the messiah had come in the flesh.
there would 69 weeks UNTIL messaih.
notice how john said TAKETH AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD. that means that jesus made an end to sin for all to whom the promise had been made IF THEY RECEIVED HIM.
Jesus came and said: THE TIME IS FULFILLED
what TIME was he talking about? He was talking to the jews, right?
Mark 1:15
Jesus Begins His Ministry
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God, and saying, “The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand; repent and believe in the gospel.”
Jesus was to be cut off AFTER 69 weeks, in the midst of the next. (see Septuagint Daniel 9:27)
in the 70th week he caused all animal sacrifices to cease forever.
He was cut off in the middle o a week, and since the 69 had already past, that left one week to be cut off in.
if he was not cut off in the 70th week, the other 69 have not been fulfilled either since they would have nothing whatsoever to do with jesus. in which case we are men most miserable indeed since we have no Saviour no Lamb Sacrificed, no end made of your sins, no righteousness imputed to our accounts.
Daniel 9:27
and he (Jesus) shall confirm the covenant (Romans 15:8)*with many for one week (70th): and in the midst of the week he (Jesus) shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease (Calvary), and for the overspreading of abominations (all antichrist activity in the temple Cult) he shall make it (the temple mount) desolate (decreed as He sat overlooking Jerusalem), even until the consummation (of the decree which took place in 70AD by Titus), and that determined (the decree made by Jesus in His 70th week) shall be poured upon the desolate (Temple torn down not one stone standing upon another)
Romans 15:8
For I tell you that Christ became a servant to the circumcised to show God’s truthfulness, in order to confirm the promises given to the patriarchs
to anoint The Most Holy was fulfilled when Jesus was baptised by John as the signal the messianic era had begun.
Luke 4:18
“The Spirit of the Lord is upon me,
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed,
Acts 10:38
God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Spirit and power, and how he went around doing good and healing all who were under the power of the devil, because God was with him.
Hebrews 1:9
You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness; therefore God, your God, has set you above your companions by
anointing you with the oil of joy."
the body of Jesus was The temple
the fullness of the GodHead dwelt in Him bodily, doing away with the old temple forever.
and now christians would become the temple by the Holy Spirit dwelling in them.
Mount Moriah was left desolate.
since jesus was cut off half way throug the 70th week, 3 1/2 years remained...we can go to the Books of Acts, and the episles to see the gospel going to the gentiles, and thereby fulfilling that portion of the 70th week as well.
the New Covenant is the everlasting Covenant, and salvation in this Covenant is only through the shed blood of the lamb Jesus who was offered up once for all.
Hebrews 13:20
Now may the God of peace who brought again from the dead our Lord Jesus, the great shepherd of the sheep, by the blood of
the eternal covenant.
The 70th Week was fulfilled three and one
half years into the Church when the Gentiles were grafted in to bring its
completion and the Messianic hope to its full reality.
until the Second Advent when Jesus comes in Flaming Fire and Judgment all jews and gentiles need to pressinto The New Covenant, obey Acts 2:38 (repent and baptised), receiving Jesus by faith or simply and tragically be lost.
i do not understand why we have gone so far away from the gospel once for all delivered to saints.