Stay away from this Denislav chap...he is fake. No details about him on his website, just his name and pic of his therapy pic of him! He is hiding his identity. No details of his training, background, nothing at testimonials...nothing, just his tel no....
don't have anything to do with the following in UK:
Michael Cummins - his mentor is don stewart crooked prosperity preacher
Sozo - pseudo new age. In redding their "team" consists of one person. Anyone who allows deliverance by one minister on their own, run away from them.
RTF - text book, theory, no love, charge you £100's for nothing...big bucks for the ministers..easy money.
Ellel - the worst, an anti Christ ministry...they have no pastors! For prayer ministry training you spend the whole weekend with NO PRAYER. I REPEAT, not one prayer in whole one prays over you, you don't pray over anybody...prayer ministry training with no prayer. What kind of Christians don't pray? Non Christians
CHM - amateurs, clueless on deliverance, lack experience though well meaning.
Only do Deliverance by donation only.
I will post here when/if I find a decent minitry in London/UK.