Nod, you've inspired me.

This is my list of never, evers I've learned from past relationships:
1. Never expect any food served on a croissant to qualify as "food" to guys, especially if said food product contains fruit. If they say they are hungry, meat is usually required;
2. Asking questions during sporting events is not recommended;
3. No matter how many holes a piece of clothing may have, DO NOT throw it away and buy something new. Some things are apparently irreplaceable;
4. No matter how long it takes them to call after they say they will, do not fail to return their calls immediately;
5. Do not buy them anything pink, period. If you buy them anything in this color family, it must be called rose or salmon or...;
6. Do not invite their mother to do anything without their knowledge. They must be given time to prepare and be in the right frame of mind for this;
7. Do not use their razor for anything;
8. If the manufacturer of any product they like (i.e., soft drink, ketchup, magarine) changes the formula thereof, do not purchase such products until his personal boycott has ended;
9. Do not even try to explain that the bright green, gold and white Celtics championship banner does not go with the decor of the room he hangs it in. If it makes him happy, let it be;
10. Do not expect him to use any shampoos, soaps, etc. that come in pink packaging. It's simply unheard of;
11. Never wash his favorite jeans or sweats unless you are accompanied by another female with a Masters Degree in "wading stuff up and putting it back exactly as you found it in the corner of the closet";
12. Do not move furniture around after he leaves to work a nightshift. It may cause him serious bodily harm upon his return if things are not where he remembered things to be;
13. Do not remove any food items from his refrigerator unless they appear to be able to walk to the disposal without assistance because he was probably "saving that";
14. If you buy your husband new undergarments, do not expect the package to be opened until you have thrown away every single old pair of underwear or t-shirt;
15. Do not expect a guy to understand the concept of using colorcharts or clothing coordination, as many of them feel that attempting to understand these things alone are grounds for the forfeiture of their man card;
16. Never discuss matters of grooming. It is assumed that you simply wake up looking like a Barbie doll like the girl who steps out of the ocean with perfect makeup and hair in the movies;
17. If your guy falls asleep during any movie or concert he went to see because YOU liked it, you must never mention this and simply appreciate the fact that he went just for you;
18. Even though questions are not permitted during sporting events, do not forget that moans, groans, long/loud sighs are permitted during any event that was YOUR idea;
19. Never expect a guy to be comfortable at any event or restaurant where a waiter will be brushing crumbs from his lap; and
20. Never leave a guy alone for extended periods with your mother. It's cruel and unusual punishment.
(I totally expect to see a testosterone version of this.
