School also
For we are all learning, hopefully... and I do not see Adam giving a defense for Eve. He blames her, and God, for his own transgression
Adam is the federal head of man. he is in a very real sense 'responsible' for the woman because she was made from him, not from the dust as he was.
he says the woman He gave to him gave it to her and he ate. If you presume that Adam is like us, a fool, unwilling to admit culpability or weakness, then you can read this as though he is shifting blame and throwing her under the bus in a last ditch effort to excuse himself. That he's not admitting his own role as head of the woman and he's calling God evil, ultimately, saying God is responsible for the Woman, not him, so if she sinned and deceived him into sinning too, it's all on you, God.
If you see Adam as taking responsibility for his own actions, sticking to his responsibility as federal head, and as wise - understanding fully the consequences of what she did and what he did, as trusting God, as readily confessing his sin, then what he answered Gid with is not denying or trying to avoid guilt, but admitting it and explaining why he did it.
he says, you gave her to me God. he is saying that she is in his care. he says, she gave me the fruit - God knows that they have eaten, and Adam knows that God knows. he is explaining that he took the fruit because he decided to join her in death, because she is in his care. This then isn't a plea for God to blame her instead of him, but to blame him, because as head of the woman he is responsible, and it is a confession that he did also eat, that he ate willingly, knowing what he was doing, not deceived but making the choice to join her rather than leave her to die alone.
Adam's sin is truly greater than Eves, and the Bible bears this out, saying sin entered the world through one man, even tho Woman sinned first.
Adam had a choice when she came to him - to eat or not to eat. To leave her to die alone or to join her - and he chose to join her. Why? I believe, because he loved her, and I believe, because she asked him "help me!" I believe Adam essentially is sacrificing himself for her sake, believing that God will show them mercy if they confess. Adam in fact had two choices: to eat or not of the tree that brings death, and also to eat or not from the tree of life afterwards. They do not eat of the tree of life, and God casts them out of the garden and seals up the way so that they cannot - protecting them from doing so. This is God's mercy, and the fact that Adam didn't go eat from it in an attempt to deal with their sin himself shows that he looked to God to solve the situation. Also he didn't run, but answered God when He called.
If Adam ate because he was giving himself for her sake, and declared how the woman had been given to him to keep and watch over, so he also ate when she gave him the fruit, then what Adam is expressing is love for her, sacrificial, responsible love. he is a type of Christ, coming to us in the likeness of sinful flesh, giving Himself for our sake, keeping us from eternal death ((what would be the outcome of eating the tree of life while in a state of sin and death?)) and bringing us before the Father to be reconciled through faith, confession and repentance.
Of course Adam is not without sin - not saying he is. he isn't Christ, but a picture foreshadowing Him.
I hope this is enough to give you a sense - I know it is completely the opposite of what 95% of preaching says. They all say, Adam didn't confess, Adam blamed God, Adam was a moron thinking God would accept that. Yet God did. He cursed the serpent and the ground 'for Adam's sake' and did not curse Adam or Eve. The scripture IMO bears out and supports the view I am giving you, and does not bear out the popular teaching that I'm sure you have heard. But you have to think seriously about what is going on here, and ask yourself questions about why all these things here take place and what makes them all make sense.
I can write more in about 2 hrs have to travel right now. Sorry for any typos am on a phone and I like small phones