Not that I owe anyone an explanation, as you are not God. But for the sake of the author, who genuinely wants to have an understanding, and for the sake of Truth (which I am committed to above all else) and conversation (since I brought up the issue), I will say that you all make some good points on some things that you have said, and I appreciate your input.
One thing I have to diagree on, however, is the idea that no one can be born gay. I don't know why so many Christians and ministers insist on this idea. But it is totally false. It may be true in some cases that someone was just influenced by their peers and indulged in homosexuality because of peer pressure. I have seen this happen (well, heard of it). There have also been homosexuals who have given into heterosexual peer pressure--had relations with the opposite sex and regretted it later. So this idea that gay people are all about recruiting is also false, because straight people recruit just as much. I think, just to be faur and give the other side the bnefit of the doubt, that it is 50/50. I think that some people are gay by societal influence, while others are gay because of genetic disposition (there are reasons I believe this--not just because I want to). It may be a "theory", but isn't the bible itself a book of theories? Where is the proof that every stopry in the bible actually happened? So, apparently, you can't always base truth on facts.
As a man with SSA (notice I don't call myslef homosexual, because I'm on the fence in the matter), aside form science and research, I can personally tell you that I don't just like men because I want to like them. If that was the case, I would've given it up a long time ago. Do you really think I want to feel like a social outcast, lonely, isolated, ashamed, different? I heard of a story of a gay man who, when he was a young boy, and his family would go to the neighborhood swimming pool, he would sink himself to the bottom of the pool and hold his breath, hoping that when he floated to the top, he would be "normal", This is one story of countless stories of people trying their hardest to be something they're not, and eventually giving up and saying, "This is me, I'm just going to have to live with it." You might say "You're just not trusting in the power of God to heal you." Well, tell that to the many people who have cried out to God in fasting and prayer, asking Him to take the desire away from them, only to wake up with the same SSA, eventually having to classify themself as a "gay christian." Also tell that to Michael Bussee, one of the founders of "Exodus International", the largest "exgay" organization in the nation, who strived for years to live the life of a heterosexual Christian (married and all), only to later have to admit that his exgayness was a lie--in turn, exposing the dishonesty in the organization, and inspiring other ex ex gays to speak out against the ex-gay movement.
But back to me. I personally have never been attracted to females. And I can remember back as far as age 5. I can remember my first crush and all. Now, where did all of this come from, I don't know. But I also know that one of my parents was once practicing homosexuality, long before I was born, before becoming a Christian. It may have been a "generational curse" or "genetic predisposition". Whatever name you put on it, it's the same thing. But, SSA is all I know. I have tried to imagine what it would be like to be "straight", but that's as far as I can go with it. The thought of heterosexual intercourse is, to put it bluntly, disgusting to me! The same as homosexual sex would be disgusting to you. I can and do appreciate the beauty of women--some I greatly admire. So, I don't hate women. But the thought of being intimate with them is a line I don't cross. Why? Because I feel deeply that I would not be being true to myself. Call it "selfish" all you want. But unless you are in my shoes, you simply cannot understand my conviction in the matter. If I was to have intercourse with a woman (hypothetically speaking), it would simply be going through the motions--mechanical. Because I can't relate to a female on that level. A man, on the other hand, I can relate to physically and emotionally. I can't explain why I get goosebumps and my heart goes to beating faster than normal, when a beautiful man walks by, and I feel so compelled to be in his arms...but every part of my being is involved in loving a man. And it's not something I try to do. It just comes natural. This was before I ever did anything with a male. I felt deep down inside that I could love another male on all levels, just as if I had already done it.
And for the sake of theory: if you say that it's impossible for a person to be born gay, you are contradicting the bible right there. Because the bible even says that man is "born in sin, and shaped in iniquity...". So, by saying that a person can't be born gay, you're refuting your own argument that it's a sin. We should really think about what we're believing and saying before we say it.