Ok... I have to say that for all of you who are claiming that the rapture is coming on a certain date--Jesus even said that NO ONE KNOWS, so stop trying to figure it out or claim it, as that wasn't the question the woman had in the first place. I myself am 40 years old and made the mistake of choosing my best and not God's best at 37 when I got married. I don't want to go ahead of God in that category again, but God doesn't tell you that he is going to bring your mate to you. If you desire to have a relationship that possibly leads to marriage, then you must put yourself out there. Hiding inside your house and isolating and praying for God to bring them is not going to happen--or I should say, in VERY rare cases where it happens to be the plumber who is a strong Christian and you hit it off...lol. Anyway, what I'm trying to say is that I understand that when you get older you tend to become more of a homebody, but God gave us relationship--relationship with him, with ourselves, and with each other. We were not meant to spend our lives alone. So get out there, go to Christian dating sites, go to singles mingles for your age group through church. Go to co-ed Bible studies where you can meet others. Take walks in the park where you know there are other people your age. THEN God will guide you thru the weeds to help you choose who is the right one for you, and you may have to do some picking in the meantime. It is also up to you to listen to him and watch for what red flags there are, if any. Go get 'em and blessings!