I’m new to this site. Nice to meet you all. I know this might seem odd but the Lord wants His people to know that if they do this the Coronavirus will go away:
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
He said if we repent, us the truly saved need to examine ourselves and repent, of our sins and turn back to Christ He will send it away.
You might ask what have I done?
Well how many of us protest against abortion?
Against so called homosexuality?
Against different injustices done on a daily basis?
How many of us are using our tithes as it’s stated in the Bible which is to feed the widows, orphans, strangers/homeless and those in the church in need?
How many of us have stopped giving tithes altogether?
How many of us pay lip service on church days but the rest of the week we do whatever we want to do not thinking about Him?
Let us all examine ourselves so that Christ will stay the hand of this plague.
Pray for me as I pray for you. Please get this message out there so that we all can repent and send away this plague.
Please remember me in your prayers.
“If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.”
2 Chronicles 7:14
He said if we repent, us the truly saved need to examine ourselves and repent, of our sins and turn back to Christ He will send it away.
You might ask what have I done?
Well how many of us protest against abortion?
Against so called homosexuality?
Against different injustices done on a daily basis?
How many of us are using our tithes as it’s stated in the Bible which is to feed the widows, orphans, strangers/homeless and those in the church in need?
How many of us have stopped giving tithes altogether?
How many of us pay lip service on church days but the rest of the week we do whatever we want to do not thinking about Him?
Let us all examine ourselves so that Christ will stay the hand of this plague.
Pray for me as I pray for you. Please get this message out there so that we all can repent and send away this plague.
Please remember me in your prayers.
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