Lately, I have tended to see a decline in quite a bit of what I would classify as "Godly" relationships. What I mean by that is when the relationships begin, the couple basically puts on a facade of "Godliness", but when they get more comfortable with each others, their standards slip, they start to toss out their morals. That tends to tick me off quite a bit.
(Be aware, I have never been in a "legitimate" relationship, so I'm just somewhat been playing it by "ear", if you know what I mean)
When I start to try to analyze the issue at a closer level, I start to see that it tends to root from a lack of standards that are searched for. Some people tend to let their standards "flex" a little bit to fit an incredibly attractive girl into it. I have been guilty of the same at times, but I have been trying to work on firming up my standards.
Here is basically what I want to see in a "Godly" Woman:
1. Has a strong passion about her faith and want's to strive and grow in the faith and in knowledge and wisdom. I do not want to be with a girl who takes her faith for granted. The issue with that is when you start to take your faith for granted, you start to lose passion for your faith, and you lose your footing.
2. Has a strong sense of morality and modesty. I am the kind of guy who believes that kissing is okay, as long as you save further actions until you are married. I feel like lack of modesty also can cause issues, as in wrong reasons for a relationship, and it somewhat "opens the door" for more physicality in a relationship.
3. Loves to communicate with fellow believers. A major part of the church is about fellowship. The bible says that wherever two or more are gathered in Jesus' name, he is there. I have some friends who feel that it can be better to "isolate" themselves, but I also notice that THEY are the ones who are more bitter, depressed, and more prone to being tempted into sin.
Responses? Thoughts? Opinions? Post below! =D
(Be aware, I have never been in a "legitimate" relationship, so I'm just somewhat been playing it by "ear", if you know what I mean)
When I start to try to analyze the issue at a closer level, I start to see that it tends to root from a lack of standards that are searched for. Some people tend to let their standards "flex" a little bit to fit an incredibly attractive girl into it. I have been guilty of the same at times, but I have been trying to work on firming up my standards.
Here is basically what I want to see in a "Godly" Woman:
1. Has a strong passion about her faith and want's to strive and grow in the faith and in knowledge and wisdom. I do not want to be with a girl who takes her faith for granted. The issue with that is when you start to take your faith for granted, you start to lose passion for your faith, and you lose your footing.
2. Has a strong sense of morality and modesty. I am the kind of guy who believes that kissing is okay, as long as you save further actions until you are married. I feel like lack of modesty also can cause issues, as in wrong reasons for a relationship, and it somewhat "opens the door" for more physicality in a relationship.
3. Loves to communicate with fellow believers. A major part of the church is about fellowship. The bible says that wherever two or more are gathered in Jesus' name, he is there. I have some friends who feel that it can be better to "isolate" themselves, but I also notice that THEY are the ones who are more bitter, depressed, and more prone to being tempted into sin.
Responses? Thoughts? Opinions? Post below! =D