i believe part of the problem is so many Christians have their 'list of demands' on what They Want in someone, but very few Christians ever stop to think do they have anything to offer. I think its safe to assume the majority of Christians looking to date are hoping it will lead to marriage. Marriage is all about selfLESSness. Its not 'what can i get out of this marriage/person' but 'what do i have to give'. when people approach dating with some narrowed down list of requirements & the focus is 'this is what I want so that this person will be what I want'. Don't get me wrong, i'm not saying its bad to have an idea of things you look for, or standards, my point is that often times it seems 'the list' is the focus, instead of focusing on making Yourself the right kind of spouse. my thought is put your focus on continuing your walk, & read books, or talk to happy couples, etc, about what it means to be a good spouse. in the mean time pray God will send you the right person. put your focus on your own growth as opposed to your demands.