Hi! First off, I hope you are open to a man's insight into this situation. I am 45, been married 18 years and have two girls, ages 12 and 11. I have been married quite a while now, and it is not always easy. As a matter of fact, it takes a lot of work, patience and forgiveness on a regular basis. From a Biblical point of view, we are to put others before ourselves and live our lives for Christ, and marriage is a reflection of our relationship with Christ. I have read all your posts and responses to those posts, so I understand your situation as best as I am able to, based on that information. I know that you mentioned that your husband is not a believer, so that alone makes the situation very difficult ( as the one responder said about not being unequally yoked). I know that you want to know the woman's name and all the circumstance surrounding the affair, but the reason he doesn't want to tell you isn't because he is trying to be mean or destroy the relationship, basically, he is embarassed, ashamed, and feeling tremendous amounts of guilt over having commited the ultimate betrayal to you and the marriage. Are you sure you would really want to know more information about the person who wronged you with your husband, I mean, would this really help the situation? Maybe he should tell you what led up to the affair, why he did it in the first place, and can he assure you that he will never do it again, with her or anyone else. It might "bug" you to death if you knew who it was, with no chance of reconciliation whatsoever, because of the constant nagging thoughts of who it was. You will always remember what happened, but can you forgive this giant injustice against you for the sake of your marriage and your children? Judging by the content of your last post, it sounds like there isn't much time to make things work again, so please try hard to make up your mind if you still want this marriage to be reconciled. My prayer for you is that you can forgive him especially since he already has told you at one point, that he wanted to make it work with you. It will be difficult, especially with him not being a believer, but he could easily meet the Lord one day (many people I thought would never become saved, eventually did!) If you love him, and he still loves you, I hope that for the very reasons you got married in the first place (namely and number one: that you loved each other, flaws and all), that your marriage will once again become intact, and that you will respect and be faithful to each other forever. Sincerely, Dan