So Bill Gates, the guy who invented the software susceptible to computer viruses so he could sell you the cure, has moved on to do the same thing with people. He keeps talking about a COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination IDentification) mark, and people being forced to remain under house arrest unless they have this COVID chip implanted.
At this stage, I think the body location for the implant is optional, but I see it as becoming mandatory to receive in the right hand or the forehead. So would you take it? Is it only a minor medical procedure with unquantified risk? Or is it too close to home to the mark of the Beast spoken of in Revelation?
When the people take the mark of the beast then repentance and salvation is no longer available to them.
But the New Age Christ has to establish peace in the Middle East, and then three and one half years later claim to be God, and the second beast doing miracles to convince the people that the beast did receive power through nature and evolved to be greater and spiritual before the mark of the beast comes out.
But this vaccine would be a precursor to the mark of the beast.
They will use nanoparticles, small computer chips in the vaccine which they can be tracked.
And it will be a microchip linked to satellite a better tracking system than the nanoparticles, for the beast's agenda is there is no personal God to help them, but mankind can achieve peace on earth by their technology, and devices, so when the people take the mark they are going along with the beast's agenda, and that there is no God.
But should a Christian take the vaccine.
After the New Age Christ establishes peace in the Middle East before he claims to be God, for three and one half years the world has salvation offered to them until they take the mark.
God would want the Christians out there in the world during that time to witness to the world during those three and one half years.
If the Christians do not take the vaccine then they could not be out there witnessing if they have not been vaccinated, and are quarantined, and the vaccine is not the mark of the beast.
But if that is the case then how can is be the greatest persecution, and why would it take three and one half years to go against the Christians, and scatter their power if they are in the same spot being quarantined in a camp, for they would be easier to take out.
So it would seem like they would be scattered all around the world and that is why it takes so long to go against them, and they are on the run, and the Bible says when they shall accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people then all things shall be finished, but if they are quarantined then they would already be scattered and not having an affect in the world.
The vaccine is not the mark of the beast but should a Christian take it, which this vaccine is for combating against the coronavirus, a medical condition, and is not being given to pledge allegiance to a man claiming to be God, and to accept his system.
And God wants the saints to be out there in the world to reach out to them but if they do not take the vaccine they cannot do that, and they would already lose their effectiveness in the world when the world still has salvation offered to them for more than three and one half years.
So this vaccine is not any different than any other medicine for the saint for they are not going along with the New Age Christ and his agenda.
I do not want to take it for the fact of those microchips in it which plays along with the world's agenda of what they have planned for the future.
But if the Christians do not take it then they would not be out in the world, and since the beast makes war against the saints and they are on the run obviously they took the vaccination or they would not be on the run, but quarantined, and if they took the vaccination then they did not lose out on salvation.
That is if they make all people take the vaccination, which the vaccination will get people to get used to a chip being in them, and being tracked, so the mark of the beast is not so offensive to them, but the saints know better.
It would seem like taking the vaccination for the sake of combating the coronavirus, and to be able to get back to work, and have money for their needs, and their families needs would be alright the same as when the saints had to put up with any tyrant's government and went with it so they could prosper at that time.
As long as they are not going against the ways of God, which they are but they are not appearing like that for when the mark of the beast comes out they are intentionally going against the ways of God, for the beast blasphemes against God and His tabernacle, so then when they take the microchip, mark of the beast, then they cannot be saved.
And since they are starting Phase 1 of re-opening which President Trump is leaving it up to the Governors the vaccine would come out before the mark of the beast if all people have to take it.
Which they have a list online of the states that are going to start re-opening, which my state is not on the list.
Which I live in Michigan, and they had a protest at the state's capital, Lansing, but Michigan is not on the list to re-open.
They are going to go bonkers now.
But there are other states that have protested too.
But 2 hours ago Trump said for the states leaders like Michigan to ease up on strict social distancing amid the coronavirus pandemic.
But they do not care about the strictness anymore, and worried about the coronavirus if all people are going to get the vaccine anyway, which is why president Trump was so confident during this coronavirus crisis for he probably knew it would be taken care of anyway for they will do testing, and they do not know who has it or not so give everybody the vaccine.
The start of the beast kingdom to come.
Trump pushes for peace in the Middle East which will soon happen which the New Age Christ will then be working in the world as a great man of peace, and pushing the agenda of the new age movement to get the world prepared for when he claims to be God, and then the mark of the beast a better tracking system than the vaccine, and to cut down on crime, and find lost people.
Which Trump introduced a biometric system where they can give it to people on temporary visas so the people that do not want to leave they can track them, and 911 could of been avoided, and can track people, land, sea, and air, and this biometric system has nothing to do with the vaccine, and those nanoparticles, but a more advanced system than that.
When everybody is vaccinated with the chip in them then it will probably be when the New Age Christ establishes peace in the Middle East.