And always the plagues has been cured by people turning to God. What if it could be true that part of this plague was caused by not feeding our bodies what they need? We know that in ancient times the rich ate bread that was only made of part of the wheat and the poor ate bread from the entire wheat. The poor still died of accidents and overwork, but while they lived they were robust and the rich were weak. We are told it was because of the food they ate. Now all our food is redone from it's natural state, even our meats are from animals that do not live and eat as nature created them to do. Doctors have found that food from those animals cause ill health, food from such as range fed cattle don't.
Even our worship is adjusted by men from what God asks of us. Every holiday has occult roots, and the church has lined up solidly against any roots from the OT. The Lord changed some OT teachings, the church changed many more teachings than the Lord did, tossing in everything that includes any physical action.
The gnosticsin taught only the spiritual was right, and that is what some of the new covenant people are teaching. The Lord tells us Ghostics were mistaken. The Lord tells us we are not to listen when people say as in Colossians 2:21 “Do not touch, do not taste, do not handle,” The Lord is a source of joy and often tells us to act in certain ways. The new covenant is not supposed to cancel these teachings. It is supposed to tell us to listen as the Lord teaches our spirit directly through the Holy Spirit.