The greatest commandment says to love. Jesus said it himself, that we are called to love people as he did. We are also called to show the grace that God has had on us to others, Christian or not. Is it really our position to decided whether or not you can be saved as a homosexual? I think not. We are not called to judge whether a liar, someone who has premarital sex, or a angry person goes to heaven, so how are homosexuals any different. God looks at the heart. He sees the heart of every homosexual person and He loves them. He embraces them and He wants to see them delivered. Is homosexuality a sin? Yes, it is. Do we need to shove it down every homosexuals throat that we meet? No. We need to love them. We need to embrace them as a person that God created.
People often quote scripture to say that homosexuality is an abomination, and I agree that it is. However, how many other sins are listed in those Romans and 1 Corinthians passages that are also considered abominations... and do we ever declare their shame? Almost never. There are certainly all kinds of people, the sexaully immoral, male prostitutes, idolators, homosexuals, theives, greedy people, drunkards, slanderers, swinlers whom are declared unfit for inheriting the Kingdom of God. Do we not all fit into these categories? I've can identify with almost all of them. Read on in Romans and we see that Paul is bringing up these sins to compare them to our new reality in Christ. Do we always walk in our new reality? No, but it's it still who God created us to be.
Homosexuals can pursue God. They can sin and love God, just as we do. They can be Christians. If they couldn't then, neither could we. Praise be to God for His mercy. It is our job to loving call out the true identity in all people, not to put them in a box for their own confused identity.
Are there homosexuals who claim to be Christians who are not? Are there ones who are not pursuing God, but sya they are? Certainly, but again, how many "mainsteam Christians" do the same?
Last night we finished up and Alpha with the Holy Spirit weekend. One of our attendees is a very open homosexual. When he approached us at orientationt to see if he could just our ministry, his first question was, "I'm gay. Will that be a problem?" He was seeking, and God placed him in our path to speak true identity into him and show him love and compassion. Last night, after 9 weeks of being loved and accepted, he accepted the Lord. He was trully seeking. Will the road be hard? Yes. Does he have things to deal with? Yes, as we all do. But God had a purpose for His life and if our answer would have been, "You can join us, but we think your in sin, He would never have found God."
I am not saying to go against truth, but sometimes the truth God wants someone to hear is, "I love you anyway."