1Pet 3:19 By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison;
G2784 κηρύσσω kerusso (kee-rïs'-sō) v.
1. to proclaim or announce; to herald (as a public crier).
2. (especially, of the gospel) to proclaim or announce divine truth.
[of uncertain affinity]
KJV: preacher(-er), proclaim, publish
1Pet 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
G2097 εὐαγγελίζω euaggelizo (ev-an-ğe-liy'-zō) v.
1. to bring good news.
2. “evangelize.”
3. (especially) to proclaim the good news of redemption through Jesus (i.e. the gospel).
[from G2095 and G32]
KJV: declare, bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings, preach (the gospel)
different types of preaching.....
Yeshua Hamashia was not preaching His Gospel in 1 Pet 3:19
God Bless!!!
G2784 κηρύσσω kerusso (kee-rïs'-sō) v.
1. to proclaim or announce; to herald (as a public crier).
2. (especially, of the gospel) to proclaim or announce divine truth.
[of uncertain affinity]
KJV: preacher(-er), proclaim, publish
1Pet 4:6 For for this cause was the gospel preached also to them that are dead, that they might be judged according to men in the flesh, but live according to God in the spirit.
G2097 εὐαγγελίζω euaggelizo (ev-an-ğe-liy'-zō) v.
1. to bring good news.
2. “evangelize.”
3. (especially) to proclaim the good news of redemption through Jesus (i.e. the gospel).
[from G2095 and G32]
KJV: declare, bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings, preach (the gospel)
different types of preaching.....
Yeshua Hamashia was not preaching His Gospel in 1 Pet 3:19
God Bless!!!
1) Irenaeus says explicitly that the Lord “descended into the regions beneath the earth, preaching His advent there also, and there mission of sins ready for those who believe in Him,” and he also states that remission of sins was received by, “all who had hopes towards Him, who proclaimed His advent and submitted to His dispensations.” Irenaeus 4.27,2.
2) Justin accused the Jews of mutilating a prophecy of Jeremiah's, which had read, “The Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, remembered those His dead who slept in the dust of the grave, and descended to them to proclaim to them His salvation.”
3) Clement of Alexander preached that the souls of the Heathen as well as Jews benefited from the revelation of Christ to them in Hades. The Jews being in bonds to the burden of the Law, and the Heathen being “those in darkness,” received the proclamation of the truth of the Gospel from Jesus. This proclamation involved the offer of salvation, and the possibility of repentance and forgiveness of all the sins that a man had committed in ignorance, when not clearly knowing God.
4) Origen Clement's pupil, as we have already stated, believed that Jesus preached to the dead. A famous infidel named Celsus was speaking with Origen and ridiculed this widespread belief of the Church, he said, “I suppose Christ, when He failed to persuade the living, went down to Hades to persuade those who live there?” Origen answered him, “Whether it please Celsus or no, we of the Church assert that the soul of our Lord, stripped of its body, did there hold converse with other souls, that were in like manner stripped, that He might there convert those who were capable of instruction, or were otherwise in ways known to Him fit for it.” Origen c. Celsum, 2.43.
5) Tertullian also stated that the belief that Jesus descended into Hades and preached there, had been held in the Church since the days of the apostles, his testimony is of great value since Tertullian censured anything that was new.
6) Cyril of Jerusalem states, in beautiful picturesque language, that: “The holy prophets ran unto Him {Jesus}, and Moses the law giver, and Abraham and Isaac and Jacob; David also and Samuel, and Isaiah and John the Baptist, who bore witness when he asked, Art thou He that should come, or look we for another? All the just were ransomed whom death had devoured, for it behoved the King who had been heralded to become the redeemer of His noble heralds. Then each of the just said, O death where is thy sting? O grave where is thy victory? For the Conqueror hath redeemed us.” Cyril Hieros., Catech. 14.9,10.
7) Athanasius said that more than the Patriarchs and prophets were delivered from Hades, he extended the circle of those who Jesus delivered from Hades through His preaching, “and thinks of the souls of Adam as held fast under sentence of death, and crying to his Lord ever more, and of those who had pleased God, and had been justified by the law of nature, as mourning and crying with Him till the mercy of God revealed to them the mystery of redemption.”
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