Who is a virtuous woman among you!! PRAY WOMEN!!! PRAY!!!
Who is a holy woman? Which one of you has not followed vanity? Which of you are faithful and full of compassion? It is time for the prayerful women to return, and make intercessory for the people again. Which of you women have kept to be righteousness, and have held the law of the Lord very dear in the fear of the Lord!!
Which of you women, like women of old are modest and shod with mercy and bowels of compassion? PRAY WOMEN PRAY!! Return to the threshing floor!!
So many women are asking for prayer, BUT WHICH OF YOU ARE PRAYING!! Don't you know that the Lord favors those who ask him, not with selfishness, nor with bitterness, nor with vanity, but those who really really care for lost souls. Don't you know that the Lord your God is mighty and powerful. And that he loves you very dearly that he will answer your prayers? Many women of old have prayed their knees dry to the bone for many of The Church. Which of you is faithful? Who is virtuous?
I love you in Jesus Christ, May he bless and keep you. Amen!!