What kind of prayer do you think is asking amiss? What do you think the Lord means by “consuming it on our lusts”?
Luke 4:3 Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts.
Any prayer that is not God's will is asking amiss. In the universe there is only God's will, Satan's will and man's will. Because God is good, benign and righteous, and because He sees the end from the beginning, God's will is perfect and profits all His creation. Satan was not satisfied with God's will and attempted to set forth his own will - with disastrous results. Man has a will. The question was, would he align his will with God's or his own. He decided (still un-fallen) to go his way, with equally disastrous results. God sent His Son, Whose sole goal was to do His Father's will. Our Lord Jesus spent long hours praying. Why? Not so much as to make requests, for this is done relatively quickly (especially if you avoid vain repetitions), but to know the will of His Father so that He could align His prayers with it.
Man has legitimate requirements. Food, clothing, health and safety. God knows what a man needs, so He asks us to ask concerning His will, and He in turn will see that our needs are fulfilled (Matt.6:8, 32-33, Lk.12:30). So prayer is the search for God's speaking in us so that we may ask according to His will. John Chapters 14 to 17 are one discourse. They concern the Holy Spirit dwelling in man. And in these Chapter of the Spirit of God abiding in the spirit of man, are the multiple promises of having prayer answered. Let's take an example.
A man is hard-working and ambitious. He works hard and seeks promotion. Promotion means more fame, more money and more possessions. But promotion, though earned, is given to another. Can I ask God for promotion? Is it not legitimate? I worked for it and God says a man reaps what he sows? Why is it withheld? The answer is; I can ask God for this and it is not unreasonable. But will it serve the Christian's CHARACTER? God's enemy is the world. It supplies our needs and takes our allegiance to God away. The world is defined by God in
1st John 2:16 as;
"For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world." So, the believer must first find out from God if the promotion will do him good. Will a loving Father give something that will hurt (Lk.11:9-13)? We have inherited a terrible nature from Adam and God has set in motion a process whereby
"we are to be conformed to the image of Christ" (Rom.8:29). Could it be that the promotion would take us away from God? Could it be that the extra fame and money would make us arrogant? Could it be that the extra money will attract people who will lead us down a path of destruction? If so, do we think that God will grant it?
So, our prayer must first be;
"is this promotion your will Father?" If you have the sense that God says yes, pray for it and it will be granted. If you sense in your spirit that it will harm you and your relationship with God, do not ask for it. When you have matured in your Christian life in five years time, maybe God will change the circumstances. The greatest example of prayer is our Lord Jesus in Gethsemane. He prayed first for the terrible cup to pass from Him. This was an absolutely legitimate prayer. How is righteousess served when the innocent must die for the guilty? Well, in this case it would enormously served. So our Lord Jesus, in fear and sweating blood, seeks the Father's will - TO HIS SEEMING DETRIMENT!
DETRIMENT? YES! From that day forth He is refused by His People, Israel. He becomes a laughing stock. His name used as a profanity by the very men He died for. Hebrews 12:2 says He suffered SHAME. But Hebrews 12:2 also says that He gladly suffered the shame and even "despised it". Why? Because two great things are set before Him by the Almighty. (1) Joy, and (2) the unique and only seat in His Father's Throne. Will other men have this pleasure? Well, some men will have the JOY of the Lord, but the right hand of the Father is reserved for Jesus alone. Those of us who achieve the standard to be co-kings with Christ do NOT sit in the Father's throne, but in Christ's throne (Rev.3:21). Just as Joseph ONLY was second to Pharaoh, so also is Jesus the only Man second to the Father. What fame! What authority! What reward! He is made HEIR of ALL things (Heb.1:2). Every knee will bow, and every tongue confess, even of those dead in Hades under the earth, that He is Lord. His enemies will have bow to the ground. No longer will His name be a curse. Rebels will be dealt with by a the rod of iron - quickly, painfully and commensurately.
Before you ask for anything, find out from God what His will is. Mostly it will be different to yours. Why? You can't see the future. You can't see the advantage that time will bring. You can't manipulate circumstances. You can't turn evil into good. But God can. Trust Him when He says;
"NO. It is not my will."