You should get that tested.
Christ did not hang on the cross for people to proclaim they are the smartest and the wisest.
The first group of Pharisees have already done that. So now a new recreation of pharisees
appear. Christ died to take our sin away and to given us example to His of one commandment
that is love the Lord your heart and your neibhbor as yourself. Therefore all the laws ever are
gathered in that command. Love fulfils all the law.period. I don't see or heart any love with
word wresting. Jesus said, follow me and I don't recall Him standing there with a scroll and
preaching word for word from a scroll. He masticated the words and brought them to life so
that every word He spoke came from the heart. He didn't praise the know it all the word or
anyone else and now turn his life on the cross and become word mongers rather than doing
as He did. A warning, word mongers will never reach the Spirit and become a new creation.
The new creation is life in the Spirit and the Spirit doesn't play with words. Again the will
never find the new creation because they do not know the way. The Spirit is love every day
all day and forever. That was the intent of God sending His Son to minister love but sadly
the majority of Christianity is void of that message and woefully inadequate to find it.