I just wondered if anyone else saw the correlations between QiGong, Kundalini and other mystical practices and the study of electromagnetic fields in and around the human body?
To me it seems more of a science then a religion, meditation is kind of like martial arts training for the mind and electromagnetic body versus something that should be worship or feared.
Its like curing people with a bottle of Tylenol and allowing people to worship you for it. I was wondering if anyone else saw the similarities?
see NASA doesn't use humans but machines to generate the electromagnetic stimulus but our cells generate a very small amount on their own, especially nerve cells and if you can train your muscles to perform better under concious control then why not also train your nerve cells to generate energy?
It might seem to be in the realm of science fiction right now but that is were most things start sometimes. Either way it gives you something to think about if you are interested in Science and Religion. now don't go off worshiping idols or demons, martial arts does not require you to worship your body and neither does true study of what I'm referring to which is meditation or training of the MIND to focus and I would suggest meditating on the Words of the BIBLE and trying to understand their meaning for your life.
I think some religions like to use advance knowledge of the natural world and psychology and call it "miracles" when its just the way God set things up to be.
To a country that did not understand modern aviation then airplanes would be magical flying birds and the pilots "Gods from the sky" but most of the world knows about planes, what they don't really know about is human electromagnetic fields and their healing capacities.
"Ac cording to one such theory, propos ed by Frohl i ch, the sur f a c e
cha rge s on a c e l l membrane a r e a l l cohe r ent . Fur the r , they may a l so
be cohe r ent wi th sur f a c e cha rge s on the membranes of othe r c e l l s .
Al l of the s e cha rge s , cons ide r ed col l e c t ive ly, can os c i l l a t e be twe en
a t l e a s t two di f f e r ent s t a t e s . Based on quantum me chani c a l formul a s ,
Frohl i ch has e s t ima t ed the na tur a l f r equency of os c i l l a t ion. I t i s
in the band 50-3,000 GHz.
Frohl ich sugge s t s hi s theory may l e ad to a be t t e r unde r s t anding
of c anc e r . The ene rgy r equi r ed to sus t a in the os c i l l a t ions comes
from wi thin the c e l l s . The ene rgy dr a in inhibi t s c e l l r eproduc t ion.
I f the os c i l l a t ions c e a s e , then the c e l l divide s wi thout bound,
ul t ima t e ly r e sul t ing in c anc e r . Thi s impl i e s tha t e l e c t romagne t i c
waves in the 50-3,000 GHz band might promot e or be us ed to inhibi t
the di s e a s e .
Ac cording to anothe r theory, cha rge s and cur r ent s in the br a in and
c ent r a l ne rvous sys t em a r e a l so cohe r ent . They a r e , the r e for e , s ens i -
t ive to ve ry low l eve l ext e rna l f i e lds . "
To me it seems more of a science then a religion, meditation is kind of like martial arts training for the mind and electromagnetic body versus something that should be worship or feared.
Its like curing people with a bottle of Tylenol and allowing people to worship you for it. I was wondering if anyone else saw the similarities?
It might seem to be in the realm of science fiction right now but that is were most things start sometimes. Either way it gives you something to think about if you are interested in Science and Religion. now don't go off worshiping idols or demons, martial arts does not require you to worship your body and neither does true study of what I'm referring to which is meditation or training of the MIND to focus and I would suggest meditating on the Words of the BIBLE and trying to understand their meaning for your life.
I think some religions like to use advance knowledge of the natural world and psychology and call it "miracles" when its just the way God set things up to be.
To a country that did not understand modern aviation then airplanes would be magical flying birds and the pilots "Gods from the sky" but most of the world knows about planes, what they don't really know about is human electromagnetic fields and their healing capacities.
"Ac cording to one such theory, propos ed by Frohl i ch, the sur f a c e
cha rge s on a c e l l membrane a r e a l l cohe r ent . Fur the r , they may a l so
be cohe r ent wi th sur f a c e cha rge s on the membranes of othe r c e l l s .
Al l of the s e cha rge s , cons ide r ed col l e c t ive ly, can os c i l l a t e be twe en
a t l e a s t two di f f e r ent s t a t e s . Based on quantum me chani c a l formul a s ,
Frohl i ch has e s t ima t ed the na tur a l f r equency of os c i l l a t ion. I t i s
in the band 50-3,000 GHz.
Frohl ich sugge s t s hi s theory may l e ad to a be t t e r unde r s t anding
of c anc e r . The ene rgy r equi r ed to sus t a in the os c i l l a t ions comes
from wi thin the c e l l s . The ene rgy dr a in inhibi t s c e l l r eproduc t ion.
I f the os c i l l a t ions c e a s e , then the c e l l divide s wi thout bound,
ul t ima t e ly r e sul t ing in c anc e r . Thi s impl i e s tha t e l e c t romagne t i c
waves in the 50-3,000 GHz band might promot e or be us ed to inhibi t
the di s e a s e .
Ac cording to anothe r theory, cha rge s and cur r ent s in the br a in and
c ent r a l ne rvous sys t em a r e a l so cohe r ent . They a r e , the r e for e , s ens i -
t ive to ve ry low l eve l ext e rna l f i e lds . "
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