1) Evolution is a Scientific Theory. That's DIFFERENT that just a colloquial theory. A Scientific Theory, to be a Theory, has to be WELL documented and proven. IT's a Theory the same way the Gravity, Atoms, and Plate Tectonics are "theories"
2) The Flower is not "proof" of evolution. It's simply an example of how we see co-evolution.
Proof of evolution is, well, abundant. Genetics, the fossil record, hell, evolution is the process by ALL modern anti-biotics, flu shots and agriculture work. Dog breeding functions on this principal.
You are right it is a scientific theory - and I meant it in this sense, scientific theory, however, does not equal fact. On this it is interesting to note that most of the scientific assumptions of the past have been superseded or proven wrong. Even Newtonian physics was superseded by Einsteins theory of relativity.
Does it strike you as odd that they have not really found the 'missing links' between various groups? If we were to evolve you would think that we would have, we simply don't have this. If there has - please point me to the relevant scholarly journals and books, not some random website, we all know how trustworthy these are. - You claim that there is well documented and 'proven' cases of evolution, I presume this means things such as the missing links from monkeys to humans, as far as I am aware these are non-existent. And even if such a one or two was found, unless these are found in numbers, how could you claim with 100% certainty that we evolved from this missing link? There are people in Africa with odd numbers of toes, but that doesn't mean we used to have 6 toes and now have 10.
You have called Christians close minded earlier, and I will agree, some do not look and hide their heads under the sand. The thing about Christianity, however, is that we do not have to fear science in the slightest, God created the world and he doesn't lie to us through the bible.
Given that you consider yourself open minded, I also have a few questions for you to ponder.
From where did the universe come from?
What was before the big bang?
How can something simply come out of nowhere into existence? There was nothing... and then there was a big flash of light and then there was the universe?
My field of study at university is history. So I have a few questions for you regarding this.
How is it possible that the Old Testament prophesies so closely match up with what Jesus did for us at the cross? Have a read through Zechariah - These books were written well before Jesus' day, how is it that they so accurately depict what happened? I'd recommend reading through with an older christian, a pastor even, the Old Testament can be quite difficult to understand at times.
How is it possible that such a small group of believers spread their message so far in so short a time if the bible is not true?
Why would the 12 Apostles so readily give up their life for god if they did not see Jesus die, rise from the dead and ascend to heaven in front of their very eyes? 11 of the 12 apostles were martyred. With the last, John, being exiled. Would all 12 apostles so readily give up their life for one of hardship and suffering for one that believed was false?
1 Corinthians, written by Paul, claims,"For what I received I passed onto you as of first importance. That Christ died for our sins according to the Scriptures, that he was buried, that he was raised on the third day according to the Scriptures, and that he appeared to Peter, and then to the Twelve. After that he appeared to more than five hundred of the brotehrs at the same time, most of whom are still living, though some have fallen asleep." - 1 Cor 15:3-7
Paul's letter claims that Jesus appeared to over 500 believers. - Surely if this was not true it could be easily disproved at the time.
Anywho, I have more stuff that is worth thinking about, I hope I haven't came across to strongly, but I'll leave you with this for the moment.
God bless,