In this thread we post Bible verses where God promised something, one verse per post, in order how they appear in the Bible.
I think this one would be first promise given:
Genesis 2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it:
for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.
What do you think of Genesis 1:26-28? There we have a corporate meeting (
"let US ... .") in which God lays forth His plan with man. It is profound. Man is made lower than the angels, and yet it is not given to angels to be in the image and likeness of the ALL-Mighty. And although man is made lower than the angels, he is supposed to subdue them and rule and judge them. This has to be the promise of the whole Bible because most Christians admit that God has been defeated and His last recourse is to drag some battered and defeated Christians into heaven. But NO! We see a magnificent plan unfold over 6,000 years where God gets His Man, and according to 1st Corinthians 15:24-28 this Man Jesus COMES to earth, resurrects dead Christians and Israelites, sets up a government that subdues all God's enemies - even death, and then hands over the Kingdom ON EARTH to His Father in heaven.
According to Matthew 24:45-47 Christ will, after He COMES (to earth), give some Christians "
rule over all that he has". And in Romans 8:29 we learn that these same Christians have been predestined, not to salvation, but
"to be conformed to the image of Jesus". Finally, we see New Jerusalem - made of men - the Walls being Christians and the Gates being Israelites - coming DOWN to the New Earth to rule forever (Rev.22:5) and
"having the glory of God"!
You could categorize this as God's stated purpose - not a Promise. But either way it is the most profound statement by the ALL-Mighty. It takes nearly 1,200 chapters to unfold.