Whats your favorite sport and why
What sport dumbfounds you?
(not that you necessarily hate it, but just have trouble understanding the concept or rules)
For this thread I will omit saying rugby/All Blacks because as a New Zealander that is a given lol.
For me I thoroughly love lacrosse. I played it briefly in highschool and thought it was fantastic and would have played in a club (if one existed) if it werent for the fact our region hardly funds anything outside of rugby and netball.
Two sports I don't understand - Curling and American Football. Would you believe it I put a beloved American pastime in the same category as curling ("curling is so a sport!!" my Canadian fiance would yell).
Curling, whenever I see this sport at the winter Olympics I chuckle and gawfaw at how silly they look furiously sweeping ice while a tweedy guy concentrates hard before "throwing" a round concrete ball. Hehehehe.
American football. Do you spend the majority of the game kicking the ball with your feet? No? THEN STOP CALLING IT FOOTBALL!!
Secondly whats with all the stopping and starting and stopping and starting and stopping and starting?
Thirdly I don't understand yards. My brain works in metres.
Forthly why can players tackle anyone? Whats the point in tackling anyone other than the bloke with the ball?
One thing I do love about this game is the way you guys throw the ball overhead and it spins like a torpedo in the air (we can't do that in rugby).
What sport dumbfounds you?
(not that you necessarily hate it, but just have trouble understanding the concept or rules)
For this thread I will omit saying rugby/All Blacks because as a New Zealander that is a given lol.
For me I thoroughly love lacrosse. I played it briefly in highschool and thought it was fantastic and would have played in a club (if one existed) if it werent for the fact our region hardly funds anything outside of rugby and netball.
Two sports I don't understand - Curling and American Football. Would you believe it I put a beloved American pastime in the same category as curling ("curling is so a sport!!" my Canadian fiance would yell).
Curling, whenever I see this sport at the winter Olympics I chuckle and gawfaw at how silly they look furiously sweeping ice while a tweedy guy concentrates hard before "throwing" a round concrete ball. Hehehehe.
American football. Do you spend the majority of the game kicking the ball with your feet? No? THEN STOP CALLING IT FOOTBALL!!
Secondly whats with all the stopping and starting and stopping and starting and stopping and starting?
Thirdly I don't understand yards. My brain works in metres.
Forthly why can players tackle anyone? Whats the point in tackling anyone other than the bloke with the ball?
One thing I do love about this game is the way you guys throw the ball overhead and it spins like a torpedo in the air (we can't do that in rugby).