Amen!...Jesus and his teachings are the truth.
I am the way the truth and the life.
No one comes to the Father except through me.
You might consider that since the bible tells us that God "so loved the world", that he indeed loved it and all in it, mainly because he created all things in it and didn't want any on his creation to turn away from him. The problem is, I think, that he evidently created all forms of thinking to prevent Satan from saying that some different way of thinking would have shown God that Satan's way of doing things might have worked if he had the right personality in the world. These personalities God would have known from their creation in his mind, long before their actual creation, that they would not become believers, but needed to be included in his creation to prevent the accusation by Satan that his way could have worked. He would have wished that they would become one of his family, but knew their outcome before hand.
Yea, people definitely twist certain scripture to fit their beliefs, but God so loved the world (ie., all nationalities, not just Israel anymore. In line with scripture to "bring them to jealousy". And that he would that all come to repentance and knowledge of the truth.
All his children. If God wants it to be so that every person comes to repentance and knowledge of the truth then it will be so. God hopes for nothing.
We are alienated from God and everything to do with him. We have to have the spirit of God to even comprehend God and all that is relavent to him and his righteous truth.
The glory of God comes before anything else in his will and word of truth, and he deserves it.
God does not leave his glory contingent on his sinful, unrighteous, finite creation to decide on a day of acceptance to "let him into their lives and heart" and worship him. Do you know hoe ignorant that sounds to me?
Wisdom tells me that the universe and everything in it has an exact appointed time or there would be no order, and chaos would reign to self destruction.
It's God who takes care of everything, even your salvation and all pertaining to it.
And therein is the truth that will make you free.
Your salvation is not something that is going to happen, but was accomplished somewhere in eternity past when out of a love we can't begin to fathom, he wrote your name in the book of life.
You shouldn't wake to obedience for accomplishment, but out of love.
To be obedient out of a loving heart is what pleases him. The truth is the pavement on which your highway of love travels.