the Manner that we need to have faith in God and Him alone ABSOLUTELY, that there is only one way, not ever religion, leads into heaven ABSOLUTELY. That I can't save myself That I must fully trust in the Works Of Jesus Christ for My salvation ABSOLUTELY, And If I trust in some work that I can do for my salvation that it is sinking sand ABSOLUTELY PRAISE the LORD. and that life is just a vapor that appeareth for a little while then it vanishes and there is no time to waste when it comes to someones salvation ABSOLUTELY
it's very easy to verbally beat someone to a pulp when you're hiding behind your computer screen isnt it?
You're a bully. Flat out. Just because you use scripture to do it doesn't make it any better than the school yard thug who takes people's lunch money and gives the nerdy kids wedgies!! Ok, thats a sterotype, but I've known many many people like you who THINK that they're somehow more knowledgable and more superior to others to the point where you justify your own self importance. I don't believe for a SECOND that the tone you use has anything to do with truth, or any true sense of urgency to "save souls" - you have no idea about the person who asked the original question, whether she's saved or not, whether she's walking with the Lord or not, whether she's actually a part of the denomination in question or not....you have NOT earned your way into her realm of thinking and therefore you have NO RIGHT to make assumptions and wield God's word like some kind of club reading to thump people on the head so they can think the way you do!!! You really need to do some study into the different methods of evangelism, and how the confrontational method is the LEAST widely effective and should be used with CAUTION. I truly don't believe that you have put any thought into your audience at all, and I would be very hard pressed to find any kind of humility or love in your words. There is no room for God to work and what it appears to me is that you're taking matters into your own hands and doing things on your own strength rather than letting God lead you - and that is going about it ALL WRONG. GOD WINS SOULS, NOT YOU!
Honestly...if I were an unbeliever and rocked up to your church and you spoke to me in a sermon the way you bully people on here, I would be DEVASTATED and wouldn't come back. Try and have some humility and entertain the notion that the full on approach is not ALWAYS the right one. Jesus may have been confrontational, but he was also the Son of God and spoke with AUTHORITY - Authority means he had the RIGHT to speak to people's hearts. You're not the son of God, ur a sinner same as the rest of us and therefore need to look to GOD for authority instead of just assuming you have it because you're a pastor.