can an alchoholic be a christian? they repent and try not to drink but at times they still drink. can a drug addict be a christian? they repent and try not to do drugs but at times they still do drugs. can a gambler be a christian? they repent and try not to gamble but at times they still gamble. can a homosexual be a christian? they repent and try not to commit homosexual acts, but at times they still do.
the fact is, when we only had one rule, dont eat from this tree, we messed that up. odds are there isnt a christian reading this today didnt commit a sin in some way. people always seem to take extreme stances, depending on the issue and how they interpit it. an example of this would be homosexuality, most christians will say you cannot be homosexual and be saved. scripture seems pretty clear on this. yet these same christians will say thou shall not kill, and have no qualms about war,capitol punishment or even assassination, for the "right" reasons. the recent osama bin laden thing is a perfect example of this double standard. how many christians are gun advocates and demand their right to take anothers life in defense of their own life. they want to hold strict doctrine over everyone, yet at the same time they have no qualms about ignoring other clearly strict doctrine. everyone reading this knows it to be true, thou shall not kill. pretty simple right? do not kill, period,no exceptions, no justifications,no excuses. will you now look for scripture elsewhere in the bible to justify it? i didnt know one of the big 10 could be ignored by quoting other scripture. i often question how someone can claim to be a christian and serve in any position where they will take part in the killing of another human being. now replace all above words that refer to killing or murder and replace them with the word stealing or adultery or lying. does this change any of the arguments? if so, why?
ALL repent of our sins when we come to Jesus;but we dont continue in our sins, for the most part we want this to be true, but we are still sinners. sometimes after you repent your sins you stop those sins completely, unfortunatly, we find other sins that we then commit. we struggle with our sins and we do the best we can to not sin, the other sins we do commit by accident or misjustification are sins we need forgiveness for.
repent your sins, ask Jesus the Son of God for help,take communion and be baptized. these are the base things we need to do in order to be saved. has anyone done this and still at one time or another commited a sin? of course it why we need forgiveness everyday in our struggle with our sins.
you can say but they are continuing to live in sin, to which i say, who isnt living in sin. is it possible to live in this world without sinning? i only know of one person to have done it. if Jesus cannot forgive people who are continuing to live in sin, then every single one of us is damned. let he who is without sin cast the first stone.
faith is personal, but it is never private