Forced to take part in homosexuals lifestyles? Really? Having a business that provides a service to people, and serving homosexual customers as well as heterosexuals, is being forced to take part in a gay lifestyle? What if you provide service to alcoholics, are you taking part in the alcoholic lifestyle? You're not making any logical sense.
Christians are not bar owners.
You have a persecution complex. It's based on nothing. You don't know what it's like to face prejudice, hatred, disownment, or discrimination on the basis of your Christianity. The US is a nation that is majority Christian, someone who isn't a Christian couldn't possibly be elected president. You are not being persecuted.
Actually, I have been cussed out, and threatened with violence while evangelizing. Also, having grown up in Texas (spanish "ghettos" of Texas) and Miami, I know VERY well what it is to be discriminated and ostracized for being poor (by whites), for being white (by blacks and hispanics). I was actually beat up many times for nothing. A group of people would come up to me and start fights
for no reason at all.
Do I sympathize with homosexuals? Absolutely! That is why I want homosexuals to know the Truth. The U.S. is not Christian by majority -- maybe
nominally Christian; but not truly
by far.
As far as Presidents go, I don't believe anyone could actually become president and truly be Christian, if you know about how Presidents are chosen. George Bush was not Christian at all, nor was Clinton, nor was Bush Sr., nor Reagan, nor any of these other men who claimed to be Christian.
The last President who tried to practice justice (by printing our own money, rather than depending on the Federal Reserve -- which isn't Federal at all -- which dependence is bringing ruin to the U.S. because of how much they charge in interest) was J.F.K., and he was assassinated.
They may not be Christians you agree with, but they're Christians. They preach and believe the Bible, they believe in and accept Christ as their savior, they're Christians, and sometimes Christians can do horrible things.
Hitler claimed to be "Christian", too; but since he didn't follow the True Word, he was not truly Christian at all. The majority of Christians will not enter Heaven.
No one is taught to be homosexual or heterosexual, people are what they are, if they're attracted to the opposite sex then they'll be attracted to the opposite sex, and vice-versa for same sex. And it's hard to wait to give children sexual education these days, they start experimenting and trying it on their own, best to teach them about what dangers exist and how to avoid hurting themselves. And kids don't need to be taught to be heterosexual, 99% of the relationships they see everyday are heterosexual, they see the opposite sex kissing on TV, they see men and women as couples, sure they may see the same thing with same-sex couples but, it's very very rare in comparison. Not that any of this matters anyways.
Actually, this is where Christianity and non-Christianity disagree: Christians do not believe that it "natural"; God would not create someone with a trait that He condemns. It is a personal choice that people make. This is especially important to know when dealing with so-called "Christians" who want to contort Scripture to fit their lifestyles rather than repent.
You do not have a right to discriminate. That is not a right. You do however, have the same rights as everyone else, and you have even more privilege. Do you think that if Muslims running a public hotel rejected a couple for being Christian, that they wouldn't be sued? Because it's illegal for people to discriminate in that case as well. Christians and Muslims are both allowed to spew hatred, and some people from each group do, and so long as they're not violating the rights of others, it is legal to do those things.
Christians don't spew hatred. If a person who says they are Christian spews hatred, they are not practicing Christianity, since Christ did not spew hatred even against the woman caught in adultery. He said, "If anyone does not have sin, cast the first stone" -- He, Himself, was qualified to cast the first stone; but He didn't. 1 John says if we say we belong to Him, we ourselves also ought to walk like Him. If someone is spewing hatred, they are not Christian -- or, are disobeying the things Jesus lived and taught others to live. Extremist Muslims' ultimate goal is the destruction of everything non-Muslim. I know; my step-dad was a Sudanese extremist who forced my family into Islam.
Really, you're not being persecuted, you can calm down, the secular world and the "gay agenda" doesn't want to hurt you
This isn't about being persecuted; it is about the preservation of morals and Christian Truth. A Christian cannot be a homosexual. Anyone practicing homosexuality cannot know God; therefore, since I care about homosexuals, I wouldn't go without speaking the Truth, so that they CAN know God: the wrath of God is coming upon all who do not know God (
2 Thessalonians 1:8).
There has been NO single group of people more maligned and persecuted than Christians.