Hello Stephen!
Thank you for the conversation! I concur that if we say we have no sin, then we are calling God a liar! Scripture declares that a true Christian does not make it a practice of living a life that is characterized by sin. I guess the question would be when does adultery become a "lifestyle"? A true Christian is determined, empowered by the Holy Spirit, to live a life that brings glory to God in obedience. As Christians, we should hate sin, and that would make it hard to understand how a Christian could partake in sin but for a moment (define moment?!). I have a very hard time accepting an individual as a Christian if they CHOOSE sin over righteousness for any significant period of time. They are nailing Chist to the cross again and again. Who do they call Lord and Savior...Master? I'm really sick for your situation, but your wife is way outside the boundaries of calling herself a Christian. She brings great shame to the title of being a Christ follower, servant. She brings great shame to her husband, you. I've studied Christian marriage for literally hundreds of hours, and read lots of theology on the topic, and I've concluded, it isn't that complicated. Husband are to lead according to scripture, and wives are to follow their husbands lead according to scripture, happily! The world has twisted this orderly struture of marriage, so now everybody has an excuse to do what they "feel" is the right thing. Christian wives are called to a high calling...follow and submit to their husbands as unto the Lord...wow! Nowhere in scripture does it instruct husbands to "martyr" themselves to a disobedient and dishonoring wife. I can always send you some great theology that makes my points clear. Everything has order and priority in God's Word. There is very little left for debate or uncertainty. In practice, it is difficult, for sure...but to think that we can stray outside the clear instruction certainly isn't going to improve the situation. Lots of bad doctrine out there, but the message is clear. One thing is very clear, a women who is capable of commiting adultery against her husband is a very, very serious case of rebellion. I'm trying to recall the combination of scripture that lead me to this conclusion...gender spcecific, not being unfair, but God's Word makes it clear. Each partner is responsible for their sin, and passing the buck doesn't fly to the test of scripture. Let me know if you want me to send you some theology...but feel good about your obedience, and don't make excuses for those who are disobedient...that will only confuse your confidence that you are bringing glory to God!