As a result we can see evidence of the deep state running the operation and that will come out in the trials to exonerate the prisoners completely as well as giving them the ability to sue.
In view of the actual footage here is what should happen:
No more trials and kangaroo courts. That is not even necessary.
2. Absolutely EVERYONE who was arrested and incarcerated for January 6 must be released immediately.
3. Absolutely EVERYONE who was arrested and incarcerated must be compensated very generously for wrongful arrest and incarceration. I would suggest at least 10 million dollars per person.
4. Every judge who caused all this pain and humiliation must be removed from office (and actually locked up).
5. Every person who was on the "Select" January 6 Committee should be arrested and sent to the same Gulag in which innocent citizens were locked up without proper care.
6. Every Deep State operative who was involved in this false flag operation should be arrested and sent to the same Gulag. They need a taste of their own medicine.
7. There must be some kind of serious action against the so-called Democratic Party itself for being behind this evil. Should all Democrats in Congress and the Senate be indicted for treason?
Why are McCarthy and the RINOs not demanding all these actions, and doing something about it? There is no point in releasing all that footage without demanding justice for both the innocent and the guilty. And since the DOJ and FBI themselves were behind this false flag operation, all the top brass should also be arrested and incarcerated. If the US Marshals have to be mobilized to do this then so be it. And if the Marines and Special Forces need to be mobilized, then so be it. The Constitution and the rule of law have been totally trampled upon by "domestic enemies". So now there has to be an effective response to the actual insurrection perpetrated by the Democrats, the FBI, the CIA, and the Deep State.