No, he does not believe Adam was physically formed of the dust of the ground.
His contention is that Adam and Eve were but spiritual, not
taking on flesh until God clothed them after they sinned.
The universe was likewise not physical according to him.
Apparently in his view, God is incapable of creating anything physical without it experiencing entropy.
As if the laws of the universe that God put in place, master God, and not the other way around
yes I understand what your saying now , clearly man is a spirit breathed into a created body of the earth .
this is why God promises a new spiritual body
which I thought was what he’s saying not sure but mans body was like it is going to be at the resurrection a spiritual body , then when we began to sin the body degraded because of the curse upon us now.
I sort of have a bit of agreement with the fact that we’re being restored to what we were created to be , before sin and death came upon mankind. Adam began in Gods intimate presence before sin , then sinned and withdrew and was expelled from that place .
God then promises us repentant sinners who believe that what Adam gave away for mankind Jesus promises to restore I believe mans bodies were not corrupt , nor were they cursed to die , until they did what a God warned would bring death
so in a way I guess I would agree that man is not the same as we were our flesh was corrupted with sin and changed us from what we were .