The inspired words of the prophet Solomon declare God would always listen from heaven for the repentant cries of His scattered people and bring them back to the land after scattering them for disobedience.
You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and you will not find a single instance where God gathered Israel back to the land after scattering them for disobedience without them first having repented. His promises of deliverance regarding the Babylonian captivity are not an exception -- we know for a fact the Babylonian captivity not only permanently cured Israel of their idolatry, but led to the institution of hundreds of (anti-idolatry) laws meant to keep the people from ever falling under the spell of idolatry again. These laws, unfortunately, eventually became for the people the focus and the means for obtaining salvation rather than the representative lamb offered morning and evening which pointed to the Messiah.
So, why do Christians disregard God's own divinely established principle for "scattering and gathering" and insist He had a hand in the events of 1948 when it can be shown that the occult U.N., the occult U.S. "Deep State", and the occult Papacy were behind them? Their disregard for this divine principle has led them to wrongly attribute Biblical promises to those who today call Jesus "son of a whore" and "the great imposter" rather than to whom God's promises pertain in our day: the Church, which is "Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise" because it is the Church which belongs to Christ, not impenitent pseudo-Jewish descendants of the pagan Khazarian Empire who don't have a drop of Semitic blood in them.
You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation and you will not find a single instance where God gathered Israel back to the land after scattering them for disobedience without them first having repented. His promises of deliverance regarding the Babylonian captivity are not an exception -- we know for a fact the Babylonian captivity not only permanently cured Israel of their idolatry, but led to the institution of hundreds of (anti-idolatry) laws meant to keep the people from ever falling under the spell of idolatry again. These laws, unfortunately, eventually became for the people the focus and the means for obtaining salvation rather than the representative lamb offered morning and evening which pointed to the Messiah.
So, why do Christians disregard God's own divinely established principle for "scattering and gathering" and insist He had a hand in the events of 1948 when it can be shown that the occult U.N., the occult U.S. "Deep State", and the occult Papacy were behind them? Their disregard for this divine principle has led them to wrongly attribute Biblical promises to those who today call Jesus "son of a whore" and "the great imposter" rather than to whom God's promises pertain in our day: the Church, which is "Abraham's seed and heirs according to the promise" because it is the Church which belongs to Christ, not impenitent pseudo-Jewish descendants of the pagan Khazarian Empire who don't have a drop of Semitic blood in them.
I really get tired of this propaganda. Romans 11
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