Who is the beast that was and is not?

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Junior Member
Dec 6, 2015
Your eschatology is Sci-Fi, the LSD trip went wrong, were off to see the wizard, Real Big Smiles!
Revelation 11:18 And the nations were angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be judged, and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest destroy them which destroy the earth.


Senior Member
Jul 31, 2013
Can some of the brethren here help me unlock a few things:

Revelation 17:9-12
And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.
And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.
And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.
And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

1. Who are the seven kings?

2. Who is the beast that was and is not? My guess would be something related to the Roman Empire as previously in the chapter it talks about purple and scarlet and being drunk with the blood of the saints and cup of abominations, all fit the Catholic Church.

3. Rome is called the city on seven hills so I am confident the mountains refer to that. I have heard some say Jerusalem is also called that, but I find Rome to be more likely as John is writing in code to avoid further Roman persecution I believe. It also says the city runs the kingdoms of the earth, that much more aligns with Vatican city where all the world leaders meet the Pope all the time and they are actively involved. Jerusalem doesn't really run things right now.
The 7 horns are the 7 forms over time of the government of the 4th beast Daniel saw. Rome still exists in its divided east/west form, EU and Russia.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
Everything in your first two posts was so spot on, I hate (I really love debate) having to differ on one point. The man who takes away the Sacrifices is the False Prophet (see Rev. 13 it says he places the IMAGE/AoD of the Beast.)
Good day, Rondonmon,

I agree in that, since I believe that the abomination of Dan.9:27 is synonymous with the image of the beast introduced in Rev.13:14-15 My thinking when I wrote the post was generalized, i.e. I was thinking of the abomination described in Daniel 9:27, which says:

"He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. ”

Since the 'He' in the scripture above, is not identified in Daniel 9:27, we have to go back to the last person mention, which would be 'the ruler' of the people in verse 26 and which is referring to the antichrist. The idea is that, everything that the false prophet does, is in honor of the first beast, antichrist.

In short, it may be a joint effort between the antichrist and the false prophet, for causing the sacrifices and offerings to cease and the setting up of the abomination. For as you can see, Daniel 9:27 mentions the ruler/antichrist as the 'He' who causes causes both the sacrifices and offerings to cease and sets up that abomination.

Th, the Jews repent and start worshiping is False Prophet becomes a teammate to the coming Beast while he's still the E.U. President. So, after Israel repents (see Zechariah 13:8-9, we see that 1/3 of the Jews repent) and starts serving Jesus JUST BEFORE the coming DOTL (see Zechariah 14:1 its says the DOTL has come). So, just before the DOTL the Jews repent and start worshiping Jesus in the Temple of God, this Jewish High Priest will then FORBID Jesus worship (Takes away THE SACRIFICE) and place an IMAGE of the E.U. President in the Temple (Anti-Christ/COMING Beast who only becomes the Beast 30 days later at the 1260). We can see the SAME TWO TYPES in History. Antiochus and Jason, a High Priest who bribed Antiochus having his Pious High Priest brother Onias III killed and he then tried to Hellenize the Jews leading to the Maccabean Revolt. He also welcomed Antiochus with open arms to come in and sacrifice unto Zeus.
There is too much assumption for me in what you wrote above.

The book of Revelation is a detailed account of the DOTL, which is the time when God pours His wrath out upon the earth via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, which take place through the entire seven years.

I also also believe that the sacrifices and offerings will be exactly that, animal sacrifices. And here is the reason why:

In Daniel 9:24, seventy 'sevens' i.e. seventy, seven year periods were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. Sixty nine of those seven year periods were fulfilled with Christ crucified at the end of the sixty ninth seven. The seventieth seven or last seven years of the decree was put on hold to take place in the future making the time of God's wrath and leading up to Christ's return to the earth to end the age. That said, since it is a part of the decree which was made while Israel was under the law, then the sacrifices and offerings that will be stopped in the middle of the seven, will be literal animal sacrifices, just as they were doing when the decree was made. In fact, according to the Israel Institute, the Sanhedrin has been reconvened now for some time. They have all of the temple furniture and items ready to go. And they have been teaching their priests how to sacrifice according to the Law given through Moses. Once the church has been gathered, God will pick up right where He left off with Israel and complete that last seven years and under the same conditions.

President in the Temple (Anti-Christ/COMING Beast who only becomes the Beast 30 days later at the 1260)
I do not agree with the above either. Daniel 9:27 is the last seven years of the seventy 'seven' year periods that was decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. It is divided up into two 3 1/2 year periods and which are also described as 1260 days, 42 months and a time, times and a half a time. The setting up of the abomination marks the middle of the seven, dividing the two 3 1/2 year periods. According to Rev.13:5-7, it is at the beginning of the second 3 1/2 year period (referred to as 42 months) that the first beast/antichrist is given power to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. Therefore, he is in office form the middle of the seven until Jesus returns 3 1/2 years later.

In addition, at the sounding of the 5th trumpet is when that angel falls from heaven to the earth having the key to the Abyss, opening it and releasing those demonic beings that resemble locusts with stings like scorpions, as well as their king, that angel/beast of the Abyss, which is just prior to the middle of the seven years, where at which point he kills the two witnesses.

"The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven. Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation."

Therefore, the beast begins his rule from the middle of the seven years, which is when the sacrifices and offerings are stopped and the abomination is set up. This is the time when the antichrist, that man of lawlessness, will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God. Interpreting the beast as only becoming the Beast 30 later after the 1260 days, it is not supported by the scripture. It is during that entire 42 months until Christ returns to the earth to end the age, that the beast will be in power.

The 1290 and 1335 days mentioned in Daniel 12:11-12, will be 30 and 45 days, respectively, after the 1260 days described in Revelation. I believe that this extra time is possibly when the sheep and the goat judgment takes place, as well as other premillennial business, which would account for the extra time. Other than that, there is no information as to what is going on during those extra 75 days.

When Jesus returns to the earth to end the age at the end of the 1260 days, the beast and the false prophet will be thrown alive into the lake of fire. So, they will not be on the earth during those 30 and 45 which follow.


Well-known member
Feb 8, 2019
How so? You have replaced the beast with the whore that rides the beast. That is obviously wrong.
That is obviously wrong. But I have not replaced the beast with the whore.

In Rev 13 you have two (2) beasts:
The first beast has a time constraint; the second beast does not.
What happens to the second beast when the first beast is not?

The second beast become the Whore. Make sense?????


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
Your (Preterist) eschatology is a farce, Antiochus Epiphanies 167BC played no role in Prophecy fulfillment, nor has the Antichrist been in Jerusalem as you claim
I have been a Preacher for 35 years sir, every time one of you guys throws out a name lie Preterist I have to look it up to see which TYPE I am supposed to be. I and a Revelation revealer myself, this is my calling, Prophecy, I don't think anything has happened as you seem to suggest, which suggests you can't read very well or jump to illogical conclusions, I honestly can't tell which it is.

It seems you jump to the conclusion that Antiochus is fulfilling Prophecy, I NEVER SAID THAT !! I stated that Antiochus and Jason were SHADOWS of the coming Anti-Christ AND False Prophet. Not that they were anything. Antiochus is seen in Daniel 11:21-33 maybe 34 and the Anti-Christ is seen in verses 36-45. Then when Daniel is told about the VERY END TIMES where the Saints will be raised and Michael will protect the Jewish Saints who repent, in verses 6-12 Daniel is told WHEN THESE WONDERS (Dan. 11:36-45) will end. Then he is given three SET NUMBERS, the 1260, the 1290 and the 1335, each number runs from a SAID EVENT until Jesus' Second Comin ENDS THESE WONDERS. (Second Coming) Thus the 1335 (Two-witnesses) comes first, the 1290 ((AoD by the False Prophet) comes next, and then the Anti-Christ shows up as the Conquering Beast at the 1260 event.

And NO ONE said the Anti-Christ has been in Jerusalem, though he may have been, because I was told loudly and shown in a Vision in 1986 that the "Man of Sin is Here" so he could have traveled to Jerusalem for all either one of us knows. But I can't recall ever even saying anything about his having been in Jerusalem, I am POINTING to FUTURE EVENTS, sir. If you want to point out where I stated that I can rebut, but I reread my post to you and saw only that I stated the Anti-Christ was the one YET TO COME.

It appears your promoting the basic teaching of (Historicism) in (Preterism)
Again, I have NO CLUE and since the Preterism claim has been proven wrong I have no reason to look this one up.

Future Events Unfulfilled Below:

Matthew 24:15 Daniels Abomination Of Desolation

Matthew 24:21 The Great Tribulation

Daniels (Little Horn) Daniel 7:8-11

Pausls (Man Of Sin) 2 Thessalonians 2:3

John's (The Beast) Revelation 13:1-5

John's (Two Witnesses) Revelation 11:3-6
EXACTLY.........All Future Events, so you misinterpreted something very badly or just like to throw out tags, I don't know, but my posts show no such thing as Preterism, my Church members would guffaw at that one. Could just be an honest misunderstanding by you, but if you are speaking about my other post, let me know, I will have to check that one, but the facts are not many people understand the 1260, 1290 and 1335, so it confuses them when I speak on it, so that's that.

God Bless


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
This is a little complicated to explain ewq1938, but I will give it a go.
In Daniel 7 we see the beast with 10 horns from one of which the little horn (aka the Antichrist) shall ascend.
Daniel didn't say that. He only said the little horn would rise up among the ten horns.

Dan 7:8 I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.

It is from one of these four horns where the little horn (aka the Antichrist) shall then ascend.
Daniel didn't write that the little horn ascends from any other horn/horns.

Putting these data together and recognizing the little horn who ascends from one of the beasts 10 horns in Daniel 7 is the same little horn who ascends from one of the he goats four seceded horns in Daniel 8, we can then further determine that prior to the he goats notable horn being broken there were then only seven horns comprising the beasts members. These members are the seven heads/kings/kingdoms of the beast.
The Revelation 13:1 beast never has less than ten horns. The heads should never be confused as being horns. Heads are areas of land where the ten horns/kings/kingdoms exist.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
That is obviously wrong. But I have not replaced the beast with the whore.

In Rev 13 you have two (2) beasts:
The first beast has a time constraint; the second beast does not.
What happens to the second beast when the first beast is not?
The second beast has the same time constraints. Both will be cast into the LOF at the same time.

The second beast become the Whore. Make sense?????
Not one verse says the second beast becomes the whore. They are two separate things. The second beast is the false prophet, a single person. The whore represents false religion and is made up of all who worship the beast as god.

Jesus has his virgin bride.
The beast has his whore bride.

In both cases the brides are not single persons but are a great many people who worship their grooms as their God.


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
Good day, Rondonmon,

I agree in that, since I believe that the abomination of Dan.9:27 is synonymous with the image of the beast introduced in Rev.13:14-15 My thinking when I wrote the post was generalized, i.e. I was thinking of the abomination described in Daniel 9:27, which says:

"He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. ”

Since the 'He' in the scripture above, is not identified in Daniel 9:27, we have to go back to the last person mention, which would be 'the ruler' of the people in verse 26 and which is referring to the antichrist. The idea is that, everything that the false prophet does, is in honor of the first beast, antichrist.

In short, it may be a joint effort between the antichrist and the false prophet, for causing the sacrifices and offerings to cease and the setting up of the abomination. For as you can see, Daniel 9:27 mentions the ruler/antichrist as the 'He' who causes causes both the sacrifices and offerings to cease and sets up that abomination.

There is too much assumption for me in what you wrote above.

The book of Revelation is a detailed account of the DOTL, which is the time when God pours His wrath out upon the earth via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, which take place through the entire seven years.

I also also believe that the sacrifices and offerings will be exactly that, animal sacrifices. And here is the reason why:

In Daniel 9:24, seventy 'sevens' i.e. seventy, seven year periods were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. Sixty nine of those seven year periods were fulfilled with Christ crucified at the end of the sixty ninth seven. The seventieth seven or last seven years of the decree was put on hold to take place in the future making the time of God's wrath and leading up to Christ's return to the earth to end the age. That said, since it is a part of the decree which was made while Israel was under the law, then the sacrifices and offerings that will be stopped in the middle of the seven, will be literal animal sacrifices, just as they were doing when the decree was made. In fact, according to the Israel Institute, the Sanhedrin has been reconvened now for some time. They have all of the temple furniture and items ready to go. And they have been teaching their priests how to sacrifice according to the Law given through Moses. Once the church has been gathered, God will pick up right where He left off with Israel and complete that last seven years and under the same conditions.

I do not agree with the above either. Daniel 9:27 is the last seven years of the seventy 'seven' year periods that was decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. It is divided up into two 3 1/2 year periods and which are also described as 1260 days, 42 months and a time, times and a half a time. The setting up of the abomination marks the middle of the seven, dividing the two 3 1/2 year periods. According to Rev.13:5-7, it is at the beginning of the second 3 1/2 year period (referred to as 42 months) that the first beast/antichrist is given power to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. Therefore, he is in office form the middle of the seven until Jesus returns 3 1/2 years later.

In addition, at the sounding of the 5th trumpet is when that angel falls from heaven to the earth having the key to the Abyss, opening it and releasing those demonic beings that resemble locusts with stings like scorpions, as well as their king, that angel/beast of the Abyss, which is just prior to the middle of the seven years, where at which point he kills the two witnesses.

"The beast was given a mouth to speak arrogant and blasphemous words, and authority to act for 42 months. And the beast opened its mouth to speak blasphemies against God and to slander His name and His tabernacle—those who dwell in heaven. Then the beast was permitted to wage war against the saints and to conquer them, and it was given authority over every tribe and people and tongue and nation."

Therefore, the beast begins his rule from the middle of the seven years, which is when the sacrifices and offerings are stopped and the abomination is set up. This is the time when the antichrist, that man of lawlessness, will stand in the temple proclaiming himself to be God. Interpreting the beast as only becoming the Beast 30 later after the 1260 days, it is not supported by the scripture. It is during that entire 42 months until Christ returns to the earth to end the age, that the beast will be in power.

The 1290 and 1335 days mentioned in Daniel 12:11-12, will be 30 and 45 days, respectively, after the 1260 days described in Revelation. I believe that this extra time is possibly when the sheep and the goat judgment takes place, as well as other premillennial business, which would account for the extra time. Other than that, there is no information as to what is going on during those extra 75 days.

When Jesus returns to the earth to end the age at the end of the 1260 days, the beast and the false prophet will be thrown alive into the lake of fire. So, they will not be on the earth during those 30 and 45 which follow.
Daniel 9:24-27, Seventy Literal Weeks Explained?

Daniel's 70 weeks are literal 7 day periods, or 490 literal days.

If Daniel meant 490 years he would have written

(Four hundred and ninety years), simple

Daniel had no restrictions in "Writing Exact Numerology" as seen below.

Daniel 6:1KJV
It pleased Darius to set over the kingdom an hundred and twenty princes, which should be over the whole kingdom;

Daniel 8:14KJV
And he said unto me, Unto two thousand and three hundred days; then shall the sanctuary be cleansed.

Daniel 12:11KJV
And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

Below in Daniel 10:2-3 we see just another example of Daniel's literal weeks, as Daniel mourned and fasted for 3 literal weeks or 21 days.

Daniel 10:2-3KJV
2 In those days I Daniel was mourning three full weeks.
3 I ate no pleasant bread, neither came flesh nor wine in my mouth, neither did I anoint myself at all, till three whole weekswere fulfilled.

Below in Daniel 9:24-27 we see 70 literal future weeks or 490 days.

When the call/commandment goes out in Jerusalem to build unto the Jewish Meshiach/Messiah that they wait for (They Denied Jesus Christ) this will start the 7 week period.

62 literal weeks will be in building, and Meshiach/Messiah will be cut off by the Antichrist who stops the building.

The 70th literal week will see the antichrist revealed in making a covenant, and in the middle of this literal week he proclaims to be Meshiach/Messiah God to the Jews, and Jesus returned to the apostate church, to start a Millennium on earth.

The 3.5 year tribulation has started.

Daniel 9:24-27KJV
24 Seventy weeks are determined upon thy people and upon thy holy city, to finish the transgression, and to make an end of sins, and to make reconciliation for iniquity, and to bring in everlasting righteousness, and to seal up the vision and prophecy, and to anoint the most Holy.
25 Know therefore and understand, that from the going forth of the commandment to restore and to build Jerusalem unto the Messiah the Prince shall be seven weeks, and threescore and two weeks: the street shall be built again, and the wall, even in troublous times.
26 And after threescore and two weeks shall Messiah be cut off, but not for himself: and the people of the prince that shall come shall destroy the city and the sanctuary; and the end thereof shall be with a flood, and unto the end of the war desolations are determined.
27 And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
Then he is given three SET NUMBERS, the 1260, the 1290 and the 1335, each number runs from a SAID EVENT until Jesus' Second Comin ENDS THESE WONDERS. (Second Coming) Thus the 1335 (Two-witnesses) comes first, the 1290 ((AoD by the False Prophet) comes next, and then the Anti-Christ shows up as the Conquering Beast at the 1260 event.
Greatly appreciate your explanation, and I apologize for the misunderstandings

You have the two Witnesses, AOD, and the Antichrist as separate events, correct me if I'm wrong?

Scripture clearly teaches the Antichrist will be given 42 months Rev 13:5, the Two Witnesses will be given 1260 days Rev 11:3?

The time frames above are seen in "Parallel" teachings of the same time frame of 3.5 years, this being the Great tribulation

During this time when the Antichrist has power for 42 months, the AOD takes place, as the false prophet shows up after the Antichrist is revealed.

The (Two Witnesses) will stand before the Antichrist for 1260 days, his entire 42 months given, and will bring all the plagues as seen in Revelation 9:3-6 & 16:1-11 upon the wicked world

A complete remake of Moses/Aaron against Pharaoh of Egypt, water to blood, grievous sores, darkness

The two Witnesses will be killed, lay dead in the street for 3.5 days as the world celebrates, as they are raised to heaven before the world the mighty earthquake takes place, the second woe is past, as the 3rd woe as birth pangs finishes in the 7th Trump and second coming, immediately after the tribulation

At this time the resurrection of "All" takes place, the catching up of the righteous, as the heavens and earth are (Dissolved) by the Lords fire in Final judgement, as the wicked are judged to the Lake Of Fire.

The New Heavens, Earth, Jerusalem, are revealed to the righteous for eternity.


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
Good day, Rondonmon,

I agree in that, since I believe that the abomination of Dan.9:27 is synonymous with the image of the beast introduced in Rev.13:14-15 My thinking when I wrote the post was generalized, i.e. I was thinking of the abomination described in Daniel 9:27, which says:

"He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ In the middle of the ‘seven’ he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. ”

Good day, my friend a d brother. Yes, sir, the HE in Daniel 9:27 is indeed the Anti-Christ, we agree. There is a secret that the Man in Linen and Gabriel couldn't reveal unto Daniel, but that Jesus could reveal unto John, it is the nature of the False Prophet. Daniel was told about the False Prophets ACTIONS (1290) but never given his title nor even given a hint as John was via the False Prophet moniker and the whole "He has to horns like a Lamb but speaks as a Dragon". Here is why Daniel couldn't be told anything near the true identity of this end-time figure, but John was told about him. If the Jewish leaders knew an end-time False Prophet was going to betray them, they would have been killing every other High Priest from Daniels Prophecy until 70 AD, kind of like King Herod tried to kill baby Jesus via the prophecies. So, Daniel was only given a NUMBER the 1290. He was not even hinted at as per to whom it was for a reason. John was told he was a False Prophet. So let's look at verse 27 in that light.

Dan. 9:27 And he shall confirm(GABAR, means to insolently force you will/AN AGREEMENT on someone from my research) the covenant with many(Israel and all the Mediterranean Sea Nations have AGREEMENTS with the E.U. now as we speak for 7 years, believe it or not, so when he comes to power he FORCES his will on this AGREEMENT called the European Neighborhood Policy GOOGLE it.) for one week: and in the midst of the week he shall cause the sacrifice and the oblation to cease, and for the overspreading of abominations he shall make it desolate, even until the consummation, and that determined shall be poured upon the desolate.

So, we agree the HE is the Anti-Christ, but he doesn't become THE BEAST until the 1260 point, which is 1260 days from the time ALL THESE WONDER END or the Second Coming ends all these wonders Daniel was just shown in Daniel 11:36-45 and Dan. 12:1-2. Thus the 1290 is this False Prophet who STOPS Jesus Worship by the Jews who repent. I know this goes against what we were taught, but I don't care what men teachers brother, God has enlightened me with these end-time facts that match up with Scriptures. I was doing an Exegesis on Daniel 11 and 12 when I came across all of these facts. We get TWO TYPES in History, Antiochus AND Jason whose real name was Yeshua, he tried to Hellenize his Jewish brothers and he welcomed Antiochus into the Holy Temple to sacrifice pigs unto Zeus. He was named the Jewish High Priest by having his Pious High Priest Brother Onias III killed via a bribe to Antiochus. Everything is in place NOW brother. All we are waiting on is the Rapture and the DOTL which I think is the Apophis Asteroid (April 13, 2029). Thus the Rapture, if you are a Pre tribber, will happen 3.5 years earlier, thus we can know THE SEASON, but not the day nor hour.

I saw where you noticed the CAUSED it........It's akin to Hitler pre WW2, he was taking over parts of nations without even invading them because Chamberlain was such a coward.

There is too much assumption for me in what you wrote above.

The book of Revelation is a detailed account of the DOTL, which is the time when God pours His wrath out upon the earth via the seals, trumpets and bowl judgments, which take place through the entire seven years.
OK, we part ways here, but that's OK, not many people see what I see here, but a lot get it and agree when I detail it out. What if I told you the Seals are NOT ACTIONABLE at all? What if we have been misreading that portion of those scriptures all along? What did the Seals on letters sent by Kings do brother? It kept their intents in the letters secured, if the Seals are all broken then they knew someone had read the contents. Don't think 7 Seals are JUDGMENTS, think of the 7 Seals as LOCKS on a closet door, and until ALL SEVEN have been opened you can't looking the closet. In the Rev. 6 case, until ALL SEVEN have been opened, no Judgments will be released on mankind. So, what are the Seals purpose then? It is Jesus Opening each Seal on a SEALED Judgment and 7 is the Number as is 10 which means completeness, God has 7 Eyes and 7 Spirits only means God sees all and is omnipotent. Here, when the Seven Seals are all broken, then God's Judgments will fall on Mankind via the Scroll of Judgments, which can not e OPENED ad READ ALOUD until all 7 Seals are taken off. (Think 6 locks off a closet door, you still can't look in).


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
So, the Seals are SIMPLY Jesus opening the Seals off of a Judgment Scroll in Heaven, amidst the Raptured Church. Then with each BREAKING of a Seal Jesus Prophesies what is about the befall mankind but ONLY when the 7th Seal is broken. The other 6 Seals are just Jesus Prophesyig what is about to befall mankind over the next 42 months like asunto this.

Seal #1 Jesus opens the seal and Prophesies, the Anti-Christ is going forth to Conquer for 42 months.
Seal #2 Jesus opens the seal and Prophesies the Anti-Christ is going to TAKE PEACE from the Earth for 42 months (Bring wars)
Seal #3 Jesus opens the seal and Prophesies that the Ati-Christ's Wars are goi g to bring Famine over the next 42 months as wars do.
Seal #4 Jesus opens the seal and Prophesies that the Anti-Christ actions will bring Death/Sickness/Grave over the next 42 months.

Seal #5 Jesus here foretells of the coming Martyrs of those who REPENT during this Tyrant Beasts 42-month rule. They will have to die for Jesus' name, but they will be resurrected and Judged via Rev. 20:4 AFTER Jesus' Second Coming. They are not seen in Rev. 7:9-16, that is the Raptured Church who ane out of the GREAT (2000>7) Tribulation, and Jesus told us all time is tribulation on earth.

Seal #6 is Jesus opening the seal and Prophesying about the coming Wrath of God !! He is Prophesying the EXACT SAME EVENT that Joel Prophesied in Joel 2:31, thus he mentions the Sun and Moon going dark, etc., etc. But that actually happens in the Rev. 8 Trumps, doesn't it? So, NOTHING HAPPENS until the 7th Seal FREES the scroll up to be read in full.

Seal #7 Jesus opens this seal and says..........NOTHING............There is Silence in Heaven for 30 minutes because Judgment is AT HAND, the Angels in Rev. 8 start readying the Judgments Trumps, the JUDGMENTS are all Trumpet Judgments. The first Four are the Asteroid strike. The Next three we are told in REv. 8:13 are the final three Trumpets are the THREE WOES. Thus Woe #1, and Woe #2 as seen in Rev. chapter 9 are the 5th and 6th Trump and then the final Woe or Woe #3 is ALL SEVEN VIALS.

This is why the First Four Trumps is a single event, the Asteroid strike. The fire comes in first as scientists say. Then the IMPACT is #2 then some ask, well why is the same impact shown as a star via Trump #3 ? And that is because God is telling us this impact will have a GIGANTIC Nuclear Fallout (Wormwood) and thus it is shown as coming in hot, and then Wormwood is mentioned. Finally, Trump #4 is the Joel 2:31 Prophecy AND Jesus 6th Seal Prophecy coming to pass as the Smoke and debris get up in the Gulf Stream and bring darkness to much of the world by blocking out the sunlight. The Seals are just Jesus unlocking the Judgment Scroll and prophesying.

The time is not Seven Years brother, it's 3.5 years, its called Jacobs troubles. Thee 7 years is 3.5 years of FAKE or FORCED Peace thus when the Anti-Christ Conquers Jerusalem at the 1260 (midway) and THE MANY Mediterranean Sea Nations, he will TAKE PEACE from the earth, and as Dan. 8:25 says he will DESTROY MANY by Peace.

As per the ASSUMPTION of the Daniel stuff, I did a detailed Exegesis of Daniel 11 and 12 where I name every king, how he came to power, all the palace intrigue etc. etc, because I git tired of telling my members I didn't understand hat completely, it was too detailed. So, I put in the grunt work, and God blessed my effort by showing me the KEY to all end-time Prophesy, the 1260, 1290, and 1335 which runs backward in timing, they are AL THREE JUXTAPOSED against the Second Coming ending all these wonders. So, if you would ever like some reference points on the Daniel 11 historicism, just ask for a link. Everything I do is for God, not me. If Inwrite it anyone is welcomed to it.

I also also believe that the sacrifices and offerings will be exactly that, animal sacrifices. And here is the reason why:

In Daniel 9:24, seventy 'sevens' i.e. seventy, seven year periods were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. Sixty nine of those seven year periods were fulfilled with Christ crucified at the end of the sixty ninth seven. The seventieth seven or last seven years of the decree was put on hold to take place in the future making the time of God's wrath and leading up to Christ's return to the earth to end the age. That said, since it is a part of the decree which was made while Israel was under the law, then the sacrifices and offerings that will be stopped in the middle of the seven, will be literal animal sacrifices, just as they were doing when the decree was made. In fact, according to the Israel Institute, the Sanhedrin has been reconvened now for some time. They have all of the temple furniture and items ready to go. And they have been teaching their priests how to sacrifice according to the Law given through Moses. Once the church has been gathered, God will pick up right where He left off with Israel and complete that last seven years and under the same conditions.
I will not doubt the Jews will restart the Sacrifices, the Jewish High Priest (False Prophet) gets angry. But you can't profane that which is already profaned. What everyone misses is the INTENT of this 70 week or 490 year Judgment was to get Israel to REPENT, and we know they REPENT before the DOTL as shown in Zechariah 13:8-9 which happens JUST EFORE the Zechariah 14:1 DOTL event, and we know in Malachi 4:5-6 that Elijah is sent back to turn Israel back unto God BEFORE the coming of the Dreadful DOTL. Remember, the Law is not what you suppose, it was ADDED 430 years after the original covenant Paul, says in Gal. 3, because of sin, THE PROMISE was the original Covenant brother, not the Law. And then Paul says what about the Law? He says it was a School Master to bring us to Jesus Christ, and he has come and died. The Jewish people have to come unto Christ by FAITH ALONE just like everyone else brother, Jesus is not just going to show up and save them at the end. 1/3 REPENT before the DOTL, then the Flee Judea to the Mountains, the 2/3 who do not repent will be CUT-OFF or die. In Daniel 12, Jesus (Man in Linen) and Gabriel are not talking about a profane sacrifice being taken away, that's just what we always assumed, they are saying Jesus' SACRIFICE is forbidden or the worshipping thereof. The Law really never meant anything, the promise was the original covenant. So, yes they will set up Sacrifices, but the only thing that REVIVES Israel is when they accept Jesus as their Messiah, and Zechariah 13:8:9 tells us they do that just before the coming DOTL. Then what do you do with 3-5 million Jesus loving Jews who come to the Temple to Worship their Holy God? Well, if you are this E.U. President/Anti-Christ/Soon to be Beast, you get on the phone and order that High Priest to stop allowing them to worship Jesus in the Temple, or maybe even forbid it altogether, then in an act of disdain, you place an IMAGE of this E.U. President in the Temple 30 days before he e en Conquers Jerusalem, at the 1290 AoD. Israel still has to repent, if they had repented 2000 years ago the kingdom would have come in then, but alas, Gid knew they wouldn't repent then, which is why Jesus bragged on John the Baptist as doing the exact same thing Elijah will do when he comes.



Senior Member
May 13, 2016
I also also believe that the sacrifices and offerings will be exactly that, animal sacrifices. And here is the reason why:

In Daniel 9:24, seventy 'sevens' i.e. seventy, seven year periods were decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. Sixty nine of those seven year periods were fulfilled with Christ crucified at the end of the sixty ninth seven. The seventieth seven or last seven years of the decree was put on hold to take place in the future making the time of God's wrath and leading up to Christ's return to the earth to end the age. That said, since it is a part of the decree which was made while Israel was under the law, then the sacrifices and offerings that will be stopped in the middle of the seven, will be literal animal sacrifices, just as they were doing when the decree was made. In fact, according to the Israel Institute, the Sanhedrin has been reconvened now for some time. They have all of the temple furniture and items ready to go. And they have been teaching their priests how to sacrifice according to the Law given through Moses. Once the church has been gathered, God will pick up right where He left off with Israel and complete that last seven years and under the same conditions.
I will not doubt the Jews will restart the Sacrifices, the Jewish High Priest (False Prophet) gets angry. But you can't profane that which is already profaned. What everyone misses is the INTENT of this 70 week or 490 year Judgment was to get Israel to REPENT, and we know they REPENT before the DOTL as shown in Zechariah 13:8-9 which happens JUST EFORE the Zechariah 14:1 DOTL event, and we know in Malachi 4:5-6 that Elijah is sent back to turn Israel back unto God BEFORE the coming of the Dreadful DOTL. Remember, the Law is not what you suppose, it was ADDED 430 years after the original covenant Paul, says in Gal. 3, because of sin, THE PROMISE was the original Covenant brother, not the Law. And then Paul says what about the Law? He says it was a School Master to bring us to Jesus Christ, and he has come and died. The Jewish people have to come unto Christ by FAITH ALONE just like everyone else brother, Jesus is not just going to show up and save them at the end. 1/3 REPENT before the DOTL, then the Flee Judea to the Mountains, the 2/3 who do not repent will be CUT-OFF or die. In Daniel 12, Jesus (Man in Linen) and Gabriel are not talking about a profane sacrifice being taken away, that's just what we always assumed, they are saying Jesus'

I do not agree with the above either. Daniel 9:27 is the last seven years of the seventy 'seven' year periods that was decreed upon Israel and Jerusalem. It is divided up into two 3 1/2 year periods and which are also described as 1260 days, 42 months and a time, times and a half a time. The setting up of the abomination marks the middle of the seven, dividing the two 3 1/2 year periods. According to Rev.13:5-7, it is at the beginning of the second 3 1/2 year period (referred to as 42 months) that the first beast/antichrist is given power to wage war against the saints and to conquer them. Therefore, he is in office form the middle of the seven until Jesus returns 3 1/2 years later.
No, it's what we always were told was the middle, but DOWN DEEP we know 1260 is the middle, not 1290. I agree, there is a 7 year period called the 70th week. We have the 2000 some odd year church age which is TRIBULATION, we have the 70th week which is TRIBULATION and we have the 3.5 years which is the GREATEST EVER TRIBULATION. So, Jesus told us all time on this earth would be tribulation fr us. So, the 70th week is troubles and the 3.5 years is the greatest ever troubles and the 2000 some odd year church age period is the GREATEST PERIOD of time which is what John/Jesus was designated as having come out of the GREAT TRIBULATION in Rev. 7:9-16. Those who die during the 70th week can not be seen in Heaven, they get judged in Rev. 20:4 AFTER we return with Jesus at the 2nd Coming. The AoD is the 1290, not the 1260.

Look at it this way, why would God give the Jews a WARNING as they were being Conquered by this Anti-Christ who was so strong in the region he had already take over the Temple? Me being a human being knows the WARNING needs to go out BEFORE the Conquering starts !! So, God knows that also, they get a WARNING 30 days before the Anti-Christ becomes the Beast via Conquering Jerusalem and the whole region. The Saints he wages war against
are twofold, but it's not against the Jews who repent and flee Judea, he can't get at them. The Jewish peoples, in general, were called Saints in the old testament, and the REMNANT GENTILE Church are going to be killed also, they are the Martyrs who have the Testimony of Jesus Christ. That is why they are called a REMNANT, the Church is in Heaven marrying the Lamb. We agree, he rules for 1260 days. The Two-witnesses DIE before he dies thus their 1260 days MUST START before the Beasts 1260 days does, and thus they are the 1335 BLESSING who come to turn Israel back unto God. Amen.

In addition, at the sounding of the 5th trumpet is when that angel falls from heaven to the earth having the key to the Abyss, opening it and releasing those demonic beings that resemble locusts with stings like scorpions, as well as their king, that angel/beast of the Abyss, which is just prior to the middle of the seven years, where at which point he kills the two witnesses.
We agree mostly, this is JUST PAST the Middle, barely. Since the First Four Trumps starts the Middle of the Week or DOTL God's Wrath, and all four are the EXACT SAME EVENT, then the 5th Trump basically happens in the middle of the week also. Apollyon is the 8th King, but NOTICE he has NO CROWNS in Rev. 17, whereas the Dragon has 7 CROWNS and the Anti-Christ has 10 CROWNS the Scarlet Colored Beast has NO CROWNS. His kingdom is not on this earth, he is under Satan here on this earth. Apollyon was the Demon who resisted Micheal for 21 days in Dan. chapter 10, IMHO.


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
are twofold, but it's not against the Jews who repent and flee Judea, he can't get at them. The Jewish peoples, in general, were called Saints in the old testament, and the REMNANT GENTILE Church are going to be killed also, they are the Martyrs who have the Testimony of Jesus Christ. That is why they are called a REMNANT, the Church is in Heaven marrying the Lamb. We agree, he rules for 1260 days. The Two-witnesses DIE before he dies thus their 1260 days MUST START before the Beasts 1260 days does, and thus they are the 1335 BLESSING who come to turn Israel back unto God. Amen.

In addition, at the sounding of the 5th trumpet is when that angel falls from heaven to the earth having the key to the Abyss, opening it and releasing those demonic beings that resemble locusts with stings like scorpions, as well as their king, that angel/beast of the Abyss, which is just prior to the middle of the seven years, where at which point he kills the two witnesses.
We agree mostly, this is JUST PAST the Middle, barely. Since the First Four Trumps starts the Middle of the Week or DOTL God's Wrath, and all four are the EXACT SAME EVENT, then the 5th Trump basically happens in the middle of the week also. Apollyon is the 8th King, but NOTICE he has NO CROWNS in Rev. 17, whereas the Dragon has 7 CROWNS and the Anti-Christ has 10 CROWNS the Scarlet Colored Beast has NO CROWNS. His kingdom is not on this earth, he is under Satan here on this earth. Apollyon was the Demon who resisted Micheal for 21 days in Dan. chapter 10, IMHO.

after Jesus reign. Thus they are always ALIVE in the Spirit world, we never truly die as Spirit Men, we just rest. So, likewise, I will go in this instance with Jesus, Gabrial, Daniel, and John. I think Paul's main calling was to go to the Gentiles, whilst John and Daniel were END TIME PROPHECY WONKS so to speak, LOL. Plus Jesus and Gabriel seem to point to it being a little different than that as per what the exact middle is.

Nowhere does it say the Beast does all this, it says, as you pointed out, he CAUSES this to happen. He can CAUSE an action while still being the E.U. President, then 30 days later he goes forth Conquering to become THE BEAST. You have always believed that as I did for 30 years so its hard to see anything different. I understand.

The 1290 and 1335 days mentioned in Daniel 12:11-12, will be 30 and 45 days, respectively, after the 1260 days described in Revelation. I believe that this extra time is possibly when the sheep and the goat judgment takes place, as well as other premillennial business, which would account for the extra time. Other than that, there is no information as to what is going on during those extra 75 days.

When Jesus returns to the earth to end the age at the end of the 1260 days, the beast and the false prophet will be thrown alive into the lake of fire. So, they will not be on the earth during those 30 and 45 which follow.
I am telling you exactly what they are brother, as sure as 10 dimes will buy a dollar the 1335, 1290, and 1260 is exactly what I am telling you it is. I have been dealing with the Holy Spirit for 35 years. I have been stumped on things for years, but when you KNOW, that you KNOW, that you KNOW something is of the Holy Spirit, there is no doubt. There is a difference between not hearing anything, and getting an AFFIRMATION via the Holy Spirit.

The above is how EVERYONE DESCRIBE the 1290 and 1335 I believe MAYBE, LOL...........Not directing that at you, I am just pointing out those two numbers have bewildered everyone I know, and because I asked God why we were in such a state of confusion in these end times as a church when we should have all the answers according to what Gid prophesied was coming, and I get this

'RON, You guys already have all the answers".......THAT is when I left off thinking for myself and via what other men have state ad started simply asking God.................... SHOW ME, Lord. And He did. So, many of those things you have come to just ASSUME as I did for 30 years, are just MEN'S TRADITIONS..................................Like the 144,000 preachers, it's NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE, but we all used to think the same thing. If that can be found anywhere I will eat my hat. It's just a MEN's TRADITION.

And here is ANOTHER KEY, which I think was God's point unto me. We are supposed to be shown all these things in the END TIMES, but we are LOCKING God because we already have all the answers.

God Bless...........I do go long, it's just in my blood, I am ready to go be with my Maker, I hate this evil world. I understand you have great knowledge of the Bible, I can tell. I thought I was pretty up to date too, and I am on everything but END TIMES (well, I am now) Prophetic Events, which is what I was called to mainly to start with. But when the Holy Spirit was like "RON, you guys already know everything" I had my Pharisees moment. I understand why Jesus chose the BABES over Learned men, so he could TEACH THEM. Thus I put away all my SUPPOSED Prophecy Knowledge and started over about 5 or 6 years ago. I had to UNLEARN things in order to clear the roadblocks.


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
The (Two Witnesses) will stand before the Antichrist for 1260 days, his entire 42 months given, and will bring all the plagues as seen in Revelation 9:3-6 & 16:1-11 upon the wicked world
NOPE the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe, the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial. Thus their 1260 day offices do not parallel nor can they, which is why God gave the 2 Witnesses a parallel time period, thus when they die (they don't really have to die) we can juxtapose them against each other and understand the time lines like this. The Two-witnesses show up 1335 days BEFORE the Second Coming ENDS ALL THESE WONDERS. And both Malachi 4:5-6 and Zechariah 13:8-9 show this to be factual because Elijah is sent back to TURN Israel back unto God BEFORE the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord *which starts in the middle of the week at the 1260 Event. We see after the Jewish people repent (1/3 do) that Zechariah 14:1 says the DOTL arrives. So, the Two witnesses arrive BEFORE the 1260 DOTL, and they thus DIE BEFORE the Beast dies also.

Greatly appreciate your explanation, and I apologize for the misunderstandings
No problem, and I stated LIKE...........not LIE above. I try to go too fast, LOL.

A complete remake of Moses/Aaron against Pharaoh of Egypt, water to blood, grievous sores, darkness
More or less, I think Elijah and Mosses pray down all of the plagues we see in the book of Revelation.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Here, when the Seven Seals are all broken, then God's Judgments will fall on Mankind via the Scroll of Judgments, which can not e OPENED ad READ ALOUD until all 7 Seals are taken off. (Think 6 locks off a closet door, you still can't look in).
Yes this is true. There is something more to the seals that most do not see. Let's pretend the locks have a number written on them. The top lock is marked 1, and goes sequentially downward to the last lock with a 7. If I went to that door with 7 locks and I opened one of the locks. Which one did I open?

Rev 6:1 And I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals, and I heard, as it were the noise of thunder, one of the four beasts saying, Come and see.


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
are twofold, but it's not against the Jews who repent and flee Judea, he can't get at them. The Jewish peoples, in general, were called Saints in the old testament, and the REMNANT GENTILE Church are going to be killed also, they are the Martyrs who have the Testimony of Jesus Christ. That is why they are called a REMNANT, the Church is in Heaven marrying the Lamb. We agree, he rules for 1260 days. The Two-witnesses DIE before he dies thus their 1260 days MUST START before the Beasts 1260 days does, and thus they are the 1335 BLESSING who come to turn Israel back unto God. Amen.

We agree mostly, this is JUST PAST the Middle, barely. Since the First Four Trumps starts the Middle of the Week or DOTL God's Wrath, and all four are the EXACT SAME EVENT, then the 5th Trump basically happens in the middle of the week also. Apollyon is the 8th King, but NOTICE he has NO CROWNS in Rev. 17, whereas the Dragon has 7 CROWNS and the Anti-Christ has 10 CROWNS the Scarlet Colored Beast has NO CROWNS. His kingdom is not on this earth, he is under Satan here on this earth. Apollyon was the Demon who resisted Micheal for 21 days in Dan. chapter 10, IMHO.

after Jesus reign. Thus they are always ALIVE in the Spirit world, we never truly die as Spirit Men, we just rest. So, likewise, I will go in this instance with Jesus, Gabrial, Daniel, and John. I think Paul's main calling was to go to the Gentiles, whilst John and Daniel were END TIME PROPHECY WONKS so to speak, LOL. Plus Jesus and Gabriel seem to point to it being a little different than that as per what the exact middle is.

Nowhere does it say the Beast does all this, it says, as you pointed out, he CAUSES this to happen. He can CAUSE an action while still being the E.U. President, then 30 days later he goes forth Conquering to become THE BEAST. You have always believed that as I did for 30 years so its hard to see anything different. I understand.

I am telling you exactly what they are brother, as sure as 10 dimes will buy a dollar the 1335, 1290, and 1260 is exactly what I am telling you it is. I have been dealing with the Holy Spirit for 35 years. I have been stumped on things for years, but when you KNOW, that you KNOW, that you KNOW something is of the Holy Spirit, there is no doubt. There is a difference between not hearing anything, and getting an AFFIRMATION via the Holy Spirit.

The above is how EVERYONE DESCRIBE the 1290 and 1335 I believe MAYBE, LOL...........Not directing that at you, I am just pointing out those two numbers have bewildered everyone I know, and because I asked God why we were in such a state of confusion in these end times as a church when we should have all the answers according to what Gid prophesied was coming, and I get this

'RON, You guys already have all the answers".......THAT is when I left off thinking for myself and via what other men have state ad started simply asking God.................... SHOW ME, Lord. And He did. So, many of those things you have come to just ASSUME as I did for 30 years, are just MEN'S TRADITIONS..................................Like the 144,000 preachers, it's NOWHERE IN THE BIBLE, but we all used to think the same thing. If that can be found anywhere I will eat my hat. It's just a MEN's TRADITION.

And here is ANOTHER KEY, which I think was God's point unto me. We are supposed to be shown all these things in the END TIMES, but we are LOCKING God because we already have all the answers.

God Bless...........I do go long, it's just in my blood, I am ready to go be with my Maker, I hate this evil world. I understand you have great knowledge of the Bible, I can tell. I thought I was pretty up to date too, and I am on everything but END TIMES (well, I am now) Prophetic Events, which is what I was called to mainly to start with. But when the Holy Spirit was like "RON, you guys already know everything" I had my Pharisees moment. I understand why Jesus chose the BABES over Learned men, so he could TEACH THEM. Thus I put away all my SUPPOSED Prophecy Knowledge and started over about 5 or 6 years ago. I had to UNLEARN things in order to clear the roadblocks.
I completely disagree with your eschatology, way out there

Seals are spoken, and not actually taking place on earth until the 7th seal (Wrong)

Asteroids hitting earth, nuclear fallout Sci-Fi (Wrong)

You have the church in heaven, while the two witnesses are on earth (Wrong)

Scripture clearly teaches the Antichrist will be given 42 months Rev 13:5, the Two Witnesses will be given 1260 days Rev 11:3?

The time frames above are seen in "Parallel" teachings of the same time frame of 3.5 years, this being the Great tribulation

During this time when the Antichrist has power for 42 months, the AOD takes place, as the false prophet shows up after the Antichrist is revealed.

The (Two Witnesses) will stand before the Antichrist for 1260 days, his entire 42 months given, and will bring all the plagues as seen in Revelation 9:3-6 & 16:1-11 upon the wicked world

A complete remake of Moses/Aaron against Pharaoh of Egypt, water to blood, grievous sores, darkness

The two Witnesses will be killed, lay dead in the street for 3.5 days as the world celebrates, as they are raised to heaven before the world the mighty earthquake takes place, the second woe is past, as the 3rd woe as birth pangs finishes in the 7th Trump and second coming, immediately after the tribulation

At this time the resurrection of "All" takes place, the catching up of the righteous, as the heavens and earth are (Dissolved) by the Lords fire in Final judgement, as the wicked are judged to the Lake Of Fire.

The New Heavens, Earth, Jerusalem, are revealed to the righteous for eternity.


Well-known member
May 19, 2020
NOPE the Two-witnesses DIE at the 2nd Woe, the Beast DIES at the 7th Vial. Thus their 1260 day offices do not parallel nor can they, which is why God gave the 2 Witnesses a parallel time period, thus when they die (they don't really have to die) we can juxtapose them against each other and understand the time lines like this. The Two-witnesses show up 1335 days BEFORE the Second Coming ENDS ALL THESE WONDERS. And both Malachi 4:5-6 and Zechariah 13:8-9 show this to be factual because Elijah is sent back to TURN Israel back unto God BEFORE the Great and Dreadful Day of the Lord *which starts in the middle of the week at the 1260 Event. We see after the Jewish people repent (1/3 do) that Zechariah 14:1 says the DOTL arrives. So, the Two witnesses arrive BEFORE the 1260 DOTL, and they thus DIE BEFORE the Beast dies also.

No problem, and I stated LIKE...........not LIE above. I try to go too fast, LOL.

More or less, I think Elijah and Mosses pray down all of the plagues we see in the book of Revelation.
We will strongly disagree, the two witness will be present on earth, the entire time the Antichrist is given power, 3.5 years representing the great tribulation, the church will be present this entire time, up until the second coming and fire in final judgement.

Scripture clearly teaches the Antichrist will be given 42 months Rev 13:5, the Two Witnesses will be given 1260 days Rev 11:3?

The time frames above are seen in "Parallel" teachings of the same time frame of 3.5 years, this being the Great tribulation

During this time when the Antichrist has power for 42 months, the AOD takes place, as the false prophet shows up after the Antichrist is revealed.

The (Two Witnesses) will stand before the Antichrist for 1260 days, his entire 42 months given, and will bring all the plagues as seen in Revelation 9:3-6 & 16:1-11 upon the wicked world

A complete remake of Moses/Aaron against Pharaoh of Egypt, water to blood, grievous sores, darkness

The two Witnesses will be killed, lay dead in the street for 3.5 days as the world celebrates, as they are raised to heaven before the world the mighty earthquake takes place, the second woe is past, as the 3rd woe as birth pangs finishes in the 7th Trump and second coming, immediately after the tribulation

At this time the resurrection of "All" takes place, the catching up of the righteous, as the heavens and earth are (Dissolved) by the Lords fire in Final judgement, as the wicked are judged to the Lake Of Fire.

The New Heavens, Earth, Jerusalem, are revealed to the righteous for eternity.


Senior Member
Mar 12, 2015
That is obviously wrong. But I have not replaced the beast with the whore.

In Rev 13 you have two (2) beasts:
The first beast has a time constraint; the second beast does not.
What happens to the second beast when the first beast is not?

The second beast become the Whore. Make sense?????
Hello Neb!

Forgive me but, you are interpreting that wrong.

Both the first and second beast, the antichrist and false prophet, respectively, have a time constraint. They both come into power in the middle of the seven years and reign during that last 3 1/2 years of that seven year period, where at the end of which Jesus returns and they are both thrown alive into the lake of fire. The reference to the beast who 'once was, now is not and yet will come' is referring to the first beast only, who is that angel of the Abyss (Abaddon/Apollyon). Regarding this first beast he:

Once was = He was once in the world and most likely the spiritual power behind an earthly ruler

Now is not = From John's time frame he was no longer in the world, but was restricted in the Abyss

And yet will come = At some point he will come up out of the Abyss and will be that power behind the antichrist, the man of lawlessness

The first place that we read of this beast, he is described as the king of those demonic locusts who are released from the Abyss at the sounding of the 5th trumpet, along with their king the angel of the Abyss, who comes up out of the Abyss.

The second beast with the two horns like a lamb and speaks like a dragon, is also referred to as the false prophet in Rev.16:13, 19:20. I believe that the false prophet will be played by one of the future popes as the head of the prostitute, which is Roman Catholicism.


Senior Member
May 13, 2016
I completely disagree with your eschatology, way out there

Seals are spoken, and not actually taking place on earth until the 7th seal (Wrong)

Asteroids hitting earth, nuclear fallout Sci-Fi (Wrong)
Your agreeing or disagreeing is irrelevant as pertaining to the facts.

Scripture clearly teaches the Antichrist will be given 42 months Rev 13:5, the Two Witnesses will be given 1260 days Rev 11:3?
AND................What does that have to do when they SHOW UP and when they DIE? Nothing, common sense, and SIMPLE MATH tells us if both have 1260 day offices, and one DIES before the other one DIES then in order to have 1260 day offices, the one who DUED FORST would have to AHOW P FIRST. This is simple math man. So, the Two-witnesses die at the 2nd Woe and the Beast dies at the 7th Vial and you do not understand their timelines are not perfectly parallel? I can't help you if you cant add simple math brother.

The time frames above are seen in "Parallel" teachings of the same time frame of 3.5 years, this being the Great tribulation
AGAIN........One dies before the other..........which means in order to have 1260 day OFFICES one has to SHOW UP before the other.

During this time when the Antichrist has power for 42 months, the AOD takes place, as the false prophet shows up after the Antichrist is revealed.
Incorrect. The 1290 is 1290 days before the Second Coming and the Anti-Christ becomes TE BEAST on day 1260, which is 1260 days before the Second Coming. The Second Beast does show up AFTER the First Beast but WHAT is a Beast? One who has POWER over these Mediterranean Sea Region Nations, thus the Anti-Christ is not a Beast while he is the E.U. President until he Conquers Jerusalem and the MANY Nations in the Region. But he is STILL the E.U. President BEFORE hes the Beast, likewise the Beast or FIRST BEAST places the False Prophet over ALL RELIGION (that's why they kill off the Harlot False Religions this time) and thus he BEASTS over Religion as the 2nd Beast, so he doesn't;t become THE 2ND Beast until after the 1st Beast appoints him, BUT.........Hes already the Jewish High Priest BEFORE THAT, just like the Anti-Christ is the E.U. President BEFORE hes the Beast.

So, the False Prophet takes actions in Jerusalem BEFORE the Anti-Conquers Jerusalem at the 1260, he FORBIDS Jesus Worship or takes away THE SACRIFICE at the 1290, or 1290 days before the Second Coming. Their TIMING as per bein Beasts is nit relevant to te other actions per se, they were just done before they held the title of BEASTS.

The (Two Witnesses) will stand before the Antichrist for 1260 days, his entire 42 months given, and will bring all the plagues as seen in Revelation 9:3-6 & 16:1-11 upon the wicked world
AGAIN if one dies before the other they have to show up before the other. Its the whole reason Gd mandated 1260 day offices. Once again, its very simple math.

The two Witnesses will be killed, lay dead in the street for 3.5 days as the world celebrates, as they are raised to heaven before the world the mighty earthquake takes place, the second woe is past, as the 3rd woe as birth pangs finishes in the 7th Trump and second coming, immediately after the tribulation
There are no Birth Pangs in Revelation the Birth Pangs birthed the 70th-week baby. You don't get birth pangs when the baby is born already. Matthew 24:4-14 has zero to do with the 70th week.

At this time the resurrection of "All" takes place, the catching up of the righteous, as the heavens and earth are (Dissolved) by the Lords fire in Final judgement, as the wicked are judged to the Lake Of Fire.

The New Heavens, Earth, Jerusalem, are revealed to the righteous for eternity.
The Rapture happens pre trib, the Jewish Saints AND the Martyrs during the 70th week will be raised after the 2nd Coming, the Wicked will be judged 1000 years later after the 1000 year reign of Jesus in Jerusalem. This earth will eventually be HELL !! Satan will win his ultimate prize.

We will strongly disagree, the two witness will be present on earth, the entire time the Antichrist is given power, 3.5 years representing the great tribulation, the church will be present this entire time, up until the second coming and fire in final judgement.
I am not going to debate sim0le math, you are in error here.


Well-known member
Oct 18, 2018
Your agreeing or disagreeing is irrelevant as pertaining to the facts.

AND................What does that have to do when they SHOW UP and when they DIE? Nothing, common sense, and SIMPLE MATH tells us if both have 1260 day offices, and one DIES before the other one DIES then in order to have 1260 day offices, the one who DUED FORST would have to AHOW P FIRST. This is simple math man. So, the Two-witnesses die at the 2nd Woe and the Beast dies at the 7th Vial and you do not understand their timelines are not perfectly parallel?

One error here is thinking the beast dies immediately when it's 1260 days/42 months is over. That's incorrect.

The 2W 1260 days and the beast's 42 months starts at basically the same time While the two prophets will die when their 1260 days is up, the beast simply loses the ability to rule the world after 42 months. The beast still controls an army through deception past the 42 months.

It is incorrect to think the 1260 days for the 2W starts and ends and then a new period of 42 months starts for the beast.