....who is worked up? Or maybe me yes, at the blatant lies held onto by pentecostals in search for meaning through emotionalism’s lies about there being any practical use for a christian to use pagan babble and such? The real question is, if ne needs emotionalism's lies? Me questions their being saved in the 1st place and so that angers me too at satan fooling so many in their service to self and thinking disrespecting the Holy Spirit is looked kindly upon by God? Shows a total lack of understanding of what our Creator’s personality and desires for us is/are.
again your comment did not have one biblical answer to the questions asked of you. Your arrogance and unwillingness to address the Gifts of the Holy Spirit found in 1cor chapter 12 through 14 means and says more about your error than what you perceive as an error with the gifts of the Holy Spirit.
You make a judgment on what you do not know.
it is the foolishness of those like you who think if a person seeks God and ask for the gift of the Holy Spirit as we are instructed to desire in 1cor chapter 12 -14 that
1. we get a devil instead
2. those seeking God and all HE has to offer salvation, fulfillment, and purpose to their life God doesn't answer
The very word of God tells us and so did the Lord Jesus these signs follow them that Believe Marck 16
Paul never said anywhere that we were not to seek the gifts of the Holy Spirit HE taught as HE was lead by the Holy Spirit to do so.
yet I see and many here will take note that you use no scripture in your comments just hate,
but were given the opportunity to provide wherein the word of God does it SAY :
- where does it say the gifts of the Holy Spirit have ceased when the bible came to be
- Those who have used the gifts for money and error that are well rebuked by those here including most all Pentecostals why is it you have not shown us or provided any proof of YOUR OWN Spiritual empowerment?
What have you done in opposition to those you say are not doing what God said in context to the gifts of the Holy Spirit?
What prise-worthy testimony do you have of You praying for someone, leading them to Jesus Christ? You surely must have so wonderful work for the Lord that testify to the Word of God in your life?
Where sin abounded grace did much more abound Please tell us of your God-given victories that produced a work of God that brought him glory?
How many have you led to Jesus? Do you have a prayer ministry? I woud love to hear it.