This is not the correct interpretation, lamad. Symbolism has a figurative symbol which represents what is literal. That said, the 'seven heads' are the symbols which are figuratively representing seven literal mountains. Your interpretation makes the seven heads and the mountains both symbolic.
The seven heads also symbolically represent a succession of seven literal kings. At the time that John was receiving the information from the angel, 5 of those kings had come and gone, with king number six ruling. King number seven had not yet come but would only remain for a short time. An eighth king is introduced who comes from the seven, which is the beast who comes up out of the Abyss. He's also that head that receives the fatal would and lives. He's that angel of the Abyss revealed at the sounding of the 5th trumpet. He's the same one who kills the two witness after he comes up out of the Abyss.
You have everything right here except the king who receives the Fatal Wound, it's not an 8th King, who is a Demon from hell, it's the 6th Head of the "FIGURATIVE BEAST" that receives a mortal wound. Look, the Beast was around oppressing Israel via Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, and Greece, then Rome was oppressing Israel while Jesus was alive, and while John was alive, but Israel was "SACKED" and became as Dead Men's Bones, thus God saw her as dead, thus how can you oppress that which is no longer an "ENTITY". Thus the Beast that oppressed Israel, went away because there was no Israel to oppress until 1948. Now, I sometimes think the Church who could not be overcome by the gates of hell delivered the Mortal Wound, because we Christians turned the Rome Beast from a God hater, into a Nation that helped transform the world by being a conveyor belt of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the Romans pushed the Gospel of Jesus Christ over the next 1000 years. The Pax-Romana was the number 1 gift of the Gospel, God knew exactly when to send Jesus. ALL ROADS lead to Rome meant Paul and Peter being Citizens of Rome could travel to all of the Nations Rome Ruled!! And all Nations speaking Koine Greek also helped the Gospel spread. THE BEAST DIED, it was Rome who received the mortal wound, the Beast that is HEALED will be the Anti-Christ coming to power over Israel and the Mediterranean Sea Region when he conquers them or OPPRESSES them again, see Daniel 11:40-43, that is when it happens !!
Since the woman is that great city that ruled over the earth and the seven mountains is where that city sits, then I would think that the seven kings would have to be referring to a succession of Roman emperors, not other kings from other kingdoms.
Everything in chapters 17 & 18 are pointing to Rome and her Babylonia pagan religious system, as well as her commerce which obviously increases during the time of the beast.
You are going down wrong path here brother teaching this stuff. Remember, Satan never stops trying to whisper falsehoods into our minds, he never stops working. You have totally misunderstood who The Harlot is, and who Babylon is. John in Rev. 17:18 is being reminded by the angel of "WHAT HE SAW" in verses 3-6, the Vision (go look) was only 4 verses, thus the Angel says to John, REMEMBER what you saw or remember THAT WOMAN (Harlot) is that Great City. So, we have to define Babylon right brother? Even though it's pointing to the Harlot Religions of Babylon, it's not Babylon in the PHYSICAL per see, it's Babylon in the Spiritual sense, I will show you in a moment who God says Babylon is, in scriptures: SEE BELOW
Rev. 16:19 And the
great city was divided into three parts(Jesus LANDS in Jerusalem), and the
cities of the nations fell
Jesus defeats these City/Nations at Armageddon) and great Babylon came in remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.
So, who does God point out unto us here that Babylon is? Well, who did Jesus defeat at Armageddon? Lets look at te 6th Vial, it plainly informs us who God sees as Babylon the Great.
Rev. 16:14 For they are the
spirits of devils, working miracles, which
go forth unto the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
So, Jesus defeats the Kings of the WHOLE WORLD at Armageddon, and then.......THEN, AFTERWARDS, God Himself calls these Nations that show up to fight against God/Jesus, Babylon the Great. So, what does Babel mean? Confusion, God confused the languages thus its called Babel or Babylon. What is Satan's job on this earth? To confuse, lie and deceive. I think when a WHOLE WORLD full of Kinfs and their followers gather to battle their own lovig Creator, Babylon is a great operative word. Babylon the Great is the fools of this world, who have been confused, deceived etc. etc., fighti g against their own Creator and thus Gd called them Babylon the Great, or the GRAT CONFUSED ONES if you wish. Gof thus gives them His Wrath !! Satan is then locked in the bottomless pit, Saa is the leader of this world, thus Babylon is Satan's Dark Kingdo on this earth. Satan let it be known in Luke 4 when he told Jesus that he was given ALL THESE KINGDOMS, (on earth) to do as he so pleased with, that he was the ruler of this world, Babylon is his kingdom of CONFUSION on this earth.
Everything is pointing to The Harlot (All False Religions of ALL TIME) andshe is RIDING THE BACK of the Seven Headed Beast (GOVERNMENTS of Babylon/Satan) who we know as Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia, Greece, and Rome.........AND the Coming Anti-Christ stops this co-habitation by KILLING HER OFF !! Because he wants to be the ONLY GOD, thus there is no room for Islam, Biddhism, Hinduism, Jupiter, Zues, etc. ALL RELIGIONS are thus forbidden save Beast Worship. Thus she rides the Government Beasts Back, but we are told THE MYSTERY..........In verse 7 the Angek says come, I will show you the Myster of the Harlot AND the Beast she rides. Then we are told about the 7 Heads who are 7 Mountains who are 7 Kings...........5 Have Fallen (Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Pesia, and Greece), then he says ONE IS (Rome, and she would soon receive the MORTAL WOUND)........And
one is YET TO COME (The Anti-Christ) and when he does (HUGE CLUE) he will rule but a SHORT TIME (42-Months).
Why can't people see why God REDUCES the 7 Mountains unto 7 Kings who fall? The Mountains were GREAT POWERS right? Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persua, Greece and Rome, all who ruled over Israel AND the Mediterranean Sea Region at one time or another. So, why REDUCE THEM to Kings who fall? It's easy once we see it. The lAST KING never passes his Kingdom on like all the others, thus HE ALONE is THE BEAST, and that is why he is THE BEAST, not a Nation like Babylon, or Persia, or Greece or Rome, but HE ALONE is the LAST BEAST !! That is why God REDUCES the 7 Mountains to 7 Kings WHO FALL, so we will understand the LAST BEAST is a MAN not a Nation per see !! Thus he rules but a SHORT TIME (42-Months) and HE is cast into hell like Daniel 7:11 and Rev. 19:20 both say. He is never allowed to pass his kingdom on before God/Jesus TAKES OVER. Amen.
The Woman is a part of THAT GREAT CITY in that she was the False Religious Order side while the Government Beasts were the False Governance side, they both went hand in hand for centuries. But she was not ROME.........She was of Babylon the Great, Satan's Dark Kingdom on this earth that LIES and DECIEVES people into not worshiping the one true God. There is NO CITY with 7 hills, this is all about 7 Kingdoms/powers over the Mediterranean Sea Region AND Israel, and ONE is yet to come. There was NO BEAST nor could be one from again until 1948, because there was no Israel. Thus is why the Ottoman Empire was to a Beast its why the British were not a Beast, etc. etc.
Everything points to FALSE RELIGION and FALSE GOVERNANCE. The Harlot RIDES the Beast. As a matter of fact the only people wh wore Scarlet and Purple were Religious Orders and Royalty, and John knew this, thus the Scarlet and Purple Beast mention.
God Bless.