I voted "rarely" because, as I've complained about before, I was always the girl who got passed over for her friends (still happens to this day.)
Plus, I am constantly frustrated by, what must be God's sense of humor (or torture for the rest of us
)--"The Natural Beauty." I have a friend with naturally luscious, wash-and-wear blonde hair (she doesn't even use conditioner) that curls into perfect ringlets or waves every time (if she wants waves, all she has to do is put it back into a scrunchie for a few hours), wears absolutely no makeup, and always looks better than I do even if I've spent 3 hours on myself, which I hate doing.
I am one of those "Has to Work At It, And I Mean, Really Work At It" girls. Some women spend time on themselves and get amazing results--when I was younger, I used to try to do all of that... as the years have passed by, I've just gotten lazy and apathetic!! I just can't see the value in spending a few hours on hair, makeup, nails, and an outfit... probably because I'm not very good at all of that, while I truly envy other women who are.
I have to go to a wedding next weekend and am like... Oh crud... that means I have to do something with my hair, spend more time on makeup than my normal 5 minutes, probably polish my nails... and wear a dress AND heels???!!!! (Since I have wider, flat feet, I have a penchant for sneakers... not to mention, jeans and t-shirts.) ARGH!!!!!! I threatened to ask Nuke Pooch to go with as a friend just to torture him with the ritual of having to present himself in some sort of formal attire, but he moved out of state before I had the chance.
Misery loves to drag company along... But the proposed company fled the scene before it even happened!