Well that is for sure - Jesus doesn't come in 2 stages - that is a really bizarre curate's egg.
I can't imagine any reputable scholar putting their name to that
Conversely - I am definitely pre-Wrath
My issue isn't with pre-Wrath--that is cousin to my own position, and covers the essentials that I'm concerned with here. The book of Revelation was written to *encourage* Christians who go through various tribulations and tests to their faith. They are encouraged to be true warriors of faith, enduring to the end.
Pretribism completely overhauls this and upends it by stating the opposite, that we will not have to endure and stand strong. We will simply be excluded form this time period and exempted from "God's wrath," even though the period of Antichrist's Reign is not "God's Wrath," but only "Antichrist's Wrath!"
When the question arises, "Would God punish the world so severely, as indicated in the book of Revelation, if there are good Christians in it? "
Well, one, we don't know that most of what is spoken there may take place at the very end of this time?
And two, Christians have *always* had to go through rough times, as the world has been punished by various natural and human-made disasters. We've always had to bear up under circumstances caused by the wicked in order to be a witness to them of God's patience and forgiveness.
I'm happy with pre-Wrath, though. I don't know at exactly what time we will be delivered? I just know it will be when Jesus comes back!